U.S. imperialist Defence Secretary William Cohen declared on
Tuesday that the United States wouldn't need United Nations
authorization to launch a military strike against Iraq. He said
there is already sufficient authority "to justify an attack."
TML Daily vigorously opposes this U.S. imperialist gangster logic
to justify an attack against Iraq. It also denounces the other
big powers in the U.N. Security Council and Canada for going
along with this imperialist gangster logic.
     On the occasion of the U.S.'s cruise missile attacks against
civilian targets in September 1996, U.S. imperialist chieftain
Bill Clinton declared that "Our objectives are limited but clear:
to make Saddam pay a price for the latest act of brutality,
reducing his ability to threaten his neighbours and America's
     Now once again the same language is being used, along with
the same kind of media manipulation of the facts as used in the
past - all to justify the unjustifiable.
     What the people of Canada and the world must clearly reckon
with is that this gangster logic is not so much aimed against the
government of Iraq but against all the peoples and governments of
the world, threatening them that U.S. imperialism will make them
"pay a price" if they should ever threaten "America's interests."
By continuing to violate Iraq's sovereignty with U2 spy planes
and F-16 fighters, all in the name of United Nations and
sanctions, the foreign policy of U.S. imperialism is exposed as
thoroughly bankrupt. It cannot garner the support of various of
its major llies, either in the "West" or the Arab League for its
policy of using force against Iraq, but nonetheless it is
threatening to impose its supremacy based on the criminal logic
that "Might Makes Right." This shows that the U.S. wants to lay
down the law for the entire world and enforce it through armed
      TML Daily demands that the Chretien Liberals dissociate
Canada from this imperialist logic. Canadian Foreign Affairs
Lloyd Axworthy has reiterated Canada's demand that Iraq comply
with U.N. sanctions and refused to listen to the direct appeal of
Iraqi Foreign Minister Tariq Aziz that attention be paid to Iraqi
concerns about the spying role of U.S. inspectors operating under
the cover of UNSCOM. 
      TML Daily reiterates the well-known position of CPC(M-L)
that all members of the United Nations, big or small, have the
right to have their say in laying down the law in international
affairs; no single country nor group of nations has any right to
usurp the right of the U.N. General Assembly to lay down the law
and no single country nor group of nations has any right to
interpret and enforce international law in any way it so desires.
     The peoples of the world can never accept the dictate of the
U.S. imperialists according to which they  have the right to do
whatever they want with Iraq. We call on all peace and
justice-loving Canadians to oppose the criminal gangster logic
against Iraq and vigorously support its sovereignty.

                        TML DAILY, 11/97

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

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