Is the Carribbean close enough for you? The former Prime Minister of Haiti
will be speaking at Laney College on Thursday, can you do a phone hook up
with KPFA? They will be interviewing her 8:30 am California time Thursday
morning. (I'm schleping her around Wednesday and Thursday because I'm such
an important person and I promised to clean my car.)

Eddie Rosario, LCLAA is honchoing the following day a conference sponsored
by the CA Labor Fed. to End NAFTA and Privitization. Eddie is a postal
worker and delegate to the S.F. Central Labor Council, (415) 681-5868.
But there may be delegates arriving early from all over So. and Central
America for the conference. Brazil is sending an especially huge
delegation. You might try and see if Eddie can get anybody on the horn at
(what is it a 2 hour difference?) 3pm? who is coming to attend his
conference. I believe all the delegates are staying at the Ramada in SF.

Bon chance,
Ellen Starbird
Labor Studies Laney College

>Any volunteers/nominations for someone to talk on my radio show this
>Thursday evening, 5-ish NYC time, about how the fast track defeat looks
>from Latin America?
>Doug Henwood
>Left Business Observer
>250 W 85 St
>New York NY 10024-3217 USA
>+1-212-874-4020 voice  +1-212-874-3137 fax
>email: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>web: <>

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