The most important question to ask when thinking about the
international situation and all the conflicts that exist is who
are the troublemakers? and Who is threatening a country s right
to self-determination, to choose a system and path of it s own
     Almost seven years have passed since the Gulf War between
the U.S. and Iraq. Even after the war is over the U.S. still has
20,000 troops stationed in the Gulf and many naval fleets and spy
planes also. The monopoly controlled media and the U.S.
imperialists claim that it is Iraq that threatens peace in the
Gulf. They claim that Saddam Hussein is building weapons of mass
destruction and that this is unacceptable and therefore they must
intervene. The U.S. is using United Nations inspection teams to
find out just what weapons are being built and to report it to
the U.N.
     Recently, Saddam Hussein disallowed the U.N. inspections
teams to do this and specifically the Americans accusing them of
being spies and infiltrators. He has also threatened that they
will begin to shoot down the U.S. spy planes, which are to aid
the inspections, and says that their presence in Iraq will no
longer be tolerated.
     The U.S. is frustrated because Iraq will not come under its
dictate and they refuse to stay out of the internal affairs of
Iraq. The U.S. was quick to threaten to launch military actions
against Iraq if they do not change their minds. 
     Meanwhile the people of Iraq are waging, almost everyday,
anti-America demonstrations, burning the American flag and
shouting slogans like "down with the U.S." 
     The U.S. imperialists are the troublemakers and are the
biggest threat to peace in the world and should stay out of the
internal affairs of Iraq and all other countries. It is they who
have weapons of mass destruction spread about all over the globe,
in almost 100 countries, and it is they who attack any country
that chooses a system that is not to its liking. It has committed
the most horrible crimes in history. Even with the issue of
banning landmines the U.S. refuses to do so because they "have to
protect South Korea" from the North. They try to justify their
military presence in all these ountries by parading around
claiming they want to ensure peace and want to protect their
global interests. Their interest in Iraq is to exploit the oil
resources and control the Middle East. Their only aim is to
enslave the people of the Middle East and make maximum profits
for themselves.
     All justice and peace loving people of the world should have
no illusions of who are the troublemakers and menaces to world
peace. They should condemn the U.S. imperialists demanding that
they withdraw their troops from all the countries they occupy and
let the people of those countries decide what kind of system and
future they want!
Ottawa High School Student

                        TML DAILY, 11/97

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

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