>>> Carrol Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 05/20/00 09:02AM >>>

>>> Brad De Long <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 05/22/00 12:55PM >
Sam, look it. You fucked up, and you fucked up royally. Admit it,
and go on from there.

The question you must ask yourself is why did you feel it necessary
to make a big thing out of a tautology that no one denies -- that
sexual relations are necessary for human reproduction. 


CB: Sam probably felt he had to say this because even though it is a tautology, many 
on these lists treat this tautology as a triviality, unimportant in understanding 
human history and society, and especially the social relations between women and men.  
This tautology is often treated as unimportant or "uninteresting" as compared to other 
factors, especially in post-modernist anti-essentialist discourse.  This is the error 
of thinking that because social relations and culture are important in shaping human 
history and society, much more important than in other species, that nature or natural 
causes have no importance or no interesting importance in shaping human beings. 

Nobody denies that sexual relations are necessary for human reproduction, they just 
chastise and mock anyone who includes this necessity in discussion of ...well just 
about anything on these lists. It is sort of a new taboo on talking about sexual 
relations between women and men.


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