> From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thu Jan  1 12:09:55 1998
> Date:         Thu, 1 Jan 1998 19:57:57 +0000
> Sender: Forum on Labor in the Global Economy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> From: LabourNet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject:      Appeal from Turkish TIBSET workers
>           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> TIBSET is the biggest medical supply producer of Turkey which
> produces
> plastic injectors, syringes, steriles and the like. It has an
> important market share in
> Europe with its quality assurance certificates, ISO 9002 and CE
> 46002. TIBSET has started its activity 20 years ago and the workers
> work 12 hours a day, 7 days a week.
> TIBSET also acts as a third-party supplier to European firms such as
> SB
> Euromedis, Deuchmed and Metrik.
> We, the experienced and qualified workers of TIBSET, have organized
> in
> Petrol-Is union against the pressure of the employer, against the
> cost of living and for better social rights on 16th of August.
> Against our unionizing, the employer violated the law and prevented
> the union's getting authority in the factory by showing 44 fake
> workers in the workplace.
> The employer also sacked us expert workers and put ordinary ones
> -scabs- in place of us. This is an act which endangers human health.
> After this, the technical director, technical employees and quality
> assurance chiefs also resignedby saying that with inexperienced
> workers, the factory could not produce qualified and healthy
> products.
> Association of Pharmacists, Association of Doctors, Association of
> Dentists and Human Rights Association of Turkey have also launched
> press releases and supported the just and legitimate struggle of the
> TIBSET workers.
> But somehow, Ministry of Health and Ministry of Labour have done
> nothing
> about the subject. Petrol- Is union has launched a lawsuit against
> these ministries.
> TIBSET workers are resisting for more than 120 days against the 1980
> military constitution, the nature itself, the cost of living, the
> attacks of the employer and the
> gendarme. We have been arrested 10 times. We want a clean society,
> democratic labour laws, justice and to live like a human being.
> But we know that just to "want" is not enough. We can make our
> demands come true only by unity, solidarity and struggle.
> Boycott TIBSET products. Put pressure on the employer. The man and
> woman of Anatolia has taken military coups, bourgeois political
> parties and "yellow" trade unionists as his/her fate for decades. A
> handful of people are drawing our fate, we
> have few social rights, we live on the minimum wage they decide upon,
> without education, without health, without social security and
> without a union.
> Our tomorrows are in darkness. Our children have no future. We
> workers are divided, thick-headed and unorganized. But capital is
> organized to the core and it attacks systematically.
> This disgraceful life is not a fate. We workers need struggle and
> solidarity now, without dividing into two as "secular" or
> "fundamentalist" or another artificial split.
> The unity of workers is our power and our future. Our duty is to
> crush the obstacles in front of organizing in trade unions and fight
> for democratic labour laws and against deunionization, the
> restrictment of basic rights and freedoms. It is time to for joint
> action and joint resistance.
> Let us unite and fight against the attacks of capital and win.
> TIBSET resistance is the honour of our people and our class. Let us
> claim it and support it with all our power.
> Workers are rightful, workers will win!
> Long live our struggle for jobs-bread-freedom!
> Contact:        Petrol-Is Union Istanbul Branch
> Tel:            00 90 212 589 13 12
> Fax:            00 90 212 589 13 15

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