Part of it was cut off (see below)

You forgot:
12.  __________ I lost the syllabus and didn't know when the exams were.

13.  __________ I am sorry I have an average of less than 40.  What can I do
for extra credit?

In a message dated 98-02-26 16:39:49 EST, Jim Craven writes:

<< For those on pen-l who are teaching and are continually swamped with 
 begging and appeals for grade changes, I thought I would share a 
 standardized form that I use in order to get to the point quickly and 
                         UNIVERSAL GRADE CHANGE FORM
 University    ______________________
 To: Professor ______________________
 From:         ______________________
 I think my grade in your course______________, should be changed from
 __________to ___________ for the following reasons:
 ___1. The persons who copied my paper made a higher grade than I did.
 ___2. The person whose paper I copied made a higher grade than I did.
 ___3. This course will lower my Grade Point Average and I won't get 
       _____Medical School          _____Graduate School
       _____Law School              _____My Fraternity/Soroity
       _____Dental School           _____The Mickey Mouse Club         
       _____White House Internship  _____Tri County Tech
 ___4. I have to get an A in this course to balance the F in:_________
 ___5. I'll lose my scholarship
 ___6. I'm on the varsity _______team and my tutor couldn't find a 
       copy of your exam.
 ___7. I didn't come to class and the person whose notes I used did 
       not get the material asked for on the exam.
 ___8. I studied the basic principles and the exam wanted every little 
 ___9. I studied all the facts and definitions and the exam asked 
       about general principles.
 ---10.You are prejudiced against:
       _____Native Americans
 ---11.If I flunk out of school my father will disinherit me or at 
       least cut my allowance.            
___12. I was unable to do well in this course because of the 
       following illness:
       ____broken baby finger
       ____substance abuse problem
       ____S.A. (Sexual Addiction) Syndrome
____13. You told us to be creative but you didn't tell us EXACTLY how
        you wanted that done.
____14. I was creative and you said I was just bullshitting

____15. I don't have a reason; I just want a higher grade

____16. The lectures were:
        ____too detailed to pick out the important points
        ____not explained in sufficient detail
        ____too boring
        ____all jokes and not enough material
        ____all of the above
        ____none of the above
____17. This course was:
        ____too early, I was not awake
        ____at lunchtime, I was hungry
        ____too late, I was tired
____18. My (dog, cat, gerbil, other_____) (ate, wet on, threw up on) 
        my (book, notes, paper) for this course
____19. Other____________________________                              
 *                             "In the development of productive     * 
 *  James Craven               forces there comes a stage when       *
 *  Dept of Economics          productive forces and means of inter- *  
 *  Clark College              course are brought into being which   *
 *  1800 E. Mc Loughlin Blvd.  under the existing relations only     * 
 *  Vancouver, Wa. 98663       cause mischief, and are no longer     *
 *  [EMAIL PROTECTED]          productive but 'destructive' forces.  *  
 *  (360) 992-2283 (Office)    ...individuals must appropriate the   *
 *  (360) 992-2863 (Fax)       existing totality of productive forces*
 *                             not only to achieve self-activity,but,*
 *                             also, merely to safeguard their very  *
 *                             existence." (Karl Marx)               *

*                             "In the development of productive     * 
*  James Craven               forces there comes a stage when       *
*  Dept of Economics          productive forces and means of inter- *  
*  Clark College              course are brought into being which   *
*  1800 E. Mc Loughlin Blvd.  under the existing relations only     * 
*  Vancouver, Wa. 98663       cause mischief, and are no longer     *
*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]          productive but 'destructive' forces.  *  
*  (360) 992-2283 (Office)    ...individuals must appropriate the   *
*  (360) 992-2863 (Fax)       existing totality of productive forces*
*                             not only to achieve self-activity,but,*
*                             also, merely to safeguard their very  *
*                             existence." (Karl Marx)               *

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