> Date sent:      Tue, 24 Feb 1998 17:32:23 EST
> Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> From:           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject:        Re: the Titanic

> In a message dated 98-02-24 12:12:01 EST, you write:
> << The character Rose as a metaphor 
>  for all the women who are told that the ultimate and pinnacle of 
>  achievement is to become an ornament of some rich scum and who seek 
>  self-actualization and independence in a system that commodifies 
>  everything and turns people into things/commodities and things into 
>  personifications and power structures into "the natural/eternal order 
>  of things."
>                                Jim Craven >>
> shit, you mean i shouldn't try and find a rich husband? maggie coleman

Response: Well, with a divorce rate of 50% and climing, and the fact 
that the rich scum like that in the movie have expensive lawyers who 
write airtight and highly restrictive pre-nuptials, probably the odds 
are better in Vegas. ;-). Or, "a woman without a rich man is like a 
fish without a bicycle"?

                                 Jim Craven

*                             "In the development of productive     * 
*  James Craven               forces there comes a stage when       *
*  Dept of Economics          productive forces and means of inter- *  
*  Clark College              course are brought into being which   *
*  1800 E. Mc Loughlin Blvd.  under the existing relations only     * 
*  Vancouver, Wa. 98663       cause mischief, and are no longer     *
*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]          productive but 'destructive' forces.  *  
*  (360) 992-2283 (Office)    ...individuals must appropriate the   *
*  (360) 992-2863 (Fax)       existing totality of productive forces*
*                             not only to achieve self-activity,but,*
*                             also, merely to safeguard their very  *
*                             existence." (Karl Marx)               *

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