>The man who is tired of London is tired of life, Dr Johnson said. Like
>Mark Jones, Louis Proyect's rural idyll is just the inverted projection
>of his hatred of the masses. It is not that he likes native Americans,
>its that he doesn't like those teeming masses of immigrant Americans,
>with their vulgar cars and music.

This is really crude and stupid. I suspect that Heartfield has run out of
Marx quotes already. Maybe he should think about posting them over again.
That would be more useful than the sort of pop psychology above.

As I suspected,  LM has a bunch of prepackaged positions that function as
some kind of left-libertarian FAQ. Question: Why is it okay that Indians
were exterminated? Answer: They stood in the way of the bourgeois revolution.

Well, okay. I give permission to James Heartfield to write garbage like
this. He is clearly in over his head. I plan to pursue my own goal of
coming up with a synthesis of communalism and communism. I agree with
Michael Perelman. It is useful that LM provoked the discussion. Now it is
up to serious people to finish it.

Louis Proyect

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