On Thu, January 8, 1998 at 11:02:39 (-0500) Doug Henwood writes:
>William S. Lear wrote:
>>Bright nor Hartley
>Remember that these two women are socialists whose critique of degradation
>and exploitation focuses on wage labor, not sex.

Yes, quite right.  It's easy to get sucked into a pointless debate
about sex when the real issue is the larger critique they share in.
Good point, Doug.


On what basis do you assert that these women are "socialists"? 
Because they know about the difference between labor-power, labor, 
wages and the value of the product of labor and surplus value? 
Because they are using some of the right rhetoric and terms?

Are they involved in other struggles besides the so-called "sex 
worker" struggles? Perhaps they are I don't know them.

So there is nothing inherently "degrading" about the "sex" that is 
sold in the typical exchange? So there is nothing inherently 
"degrading" about having some stranger huffing and puffing over you 
while his penis is in your mouth, up your anus or in your vagina? If 
one just gets over some puritanical hang-ups, there is nothing 
degrading that will remain? Really?

Have either of you guys tried it or is this just theory 
disarticulated from practice? Well I haven't tried it, but in all of 
the prostitutes with whom I have ever spoken to about this subject, 
and my work in Puerto Rico led me to speak with literally hundreds, 
not one expressed the view that they were receiving any kind of 
personal sexual satisfaction from the acts. Literally every one said 
they try to get a high price and try to get over on the tricks 
because they found the work and the tricks degrading and wanted to 
get more than chump change for the conditions of work, risks and 
degradation they felt they suffered in their work.

But I must admit, my sample is limited and not having participated in 
the activities personally I just may be a bit too theoretical and 
limited in my imagination.

                                Jim Craven

*                             "Who controls the past,               * 
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