> From:          Doug Henwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Max B. Sawicky wrote:
> >Desposit insurance is a net revenue raiser now.
> >The numbers for 1996 through 1999, respectively,
> >are 8, 12, 4, 3, and 1 billion.  For 2000 and after,
> >the levels remain at $1 billion.
> Yeah, but the costs of the S&L bailout are part of the debt service costs,
> no? I thought the final present value cost of the bailout was somewhere
> approaching $200 billion.

$200 is the right ballpark for the present value
of the total cost.  My understanding is that the
budget numbers are the net of in-go and outgo
pertaining to deposit insurance per se, so a
positive number means repayments by
banks outstrip debt-service from the Feds.
I could be wrong so I will try to get a
firmer grip on this and report back.


Max B. Sawicky            Economic Policy Institute
[EMAIL PROTECTED]          1660 L Street, NW
202-775-8810 (voice)      Ste. 1200
202-775-0819 (fax)        Washington, DC  20036

Opinions above do not necessarily reflect the views
of anyone associated with the Economic Policy
Institute other than this writer.

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