"While Chiapas, in our opinion, does not pose a fundamental threat to 
Mexican political stability, it is perceived to be so by many in the 
investment community. The government will need to eliminate the 
Zapatistas to demonstrate their effective control of the national territory 
and of security policy." 

Mexico Political Update, January 13, 1995, Memo by Riordan Roett to 
Chase Manhattan's Emerging Markets Group

"Investors appear to have been willing to take huge sums of money 
belonging to clients who may not have fully understood what is at stake, 
and to use those sums not just to bet on emerging markets but to leverage 
governments into potentially disastrous policies because those policies 
would maximize short-term profits. But when the bubble bursts at least in 
part because of those policies, we find them expressing their 'expert' 
judgment that the United States should come to the rescue." 

Douglas Payne, New Republic, "How Investment Bankers Ruined 
Mexico," March 13, 1995

Monday, February 9th will mark the third anniversary of the assault of the 
Mexican military against Zapatista communities in Chiapas, Mexico. The 
offensive came just days after President Clinton, by means of an Executive 
order, expedited a $50 billion bailout package in order to stave off the 
collapse of the Mexican economy and to protect increasing US financial 
interests. The CIA assisted Mexican authorities in gathering intelligence to 
develop the rationale for the arrest of  EZLN leadership. Zedillo announced 
the arrests which justified the penetration of many Zapatista villages during 
a press conference. The timing of the infamous Chase Manhattan memo, 
the US bailout and the February offensive against the Zapatistas began to 
expose the very real connections that the US and its financial interests have 
in maintaining "social and political stability" in Mexico.  The stranglehold 
began; the tanks rolled in, and terror and instability came with them.  The 
full year of self-governance which the Zapatistas had used to carry out such 
"radical" measures as the "elimination of drug and alcohol use" and the 
election of their own authorities came to an end with the military presence.  
A destructive siege began to form a river of blood. 

During the reign of interim governor Julio Cesar Ruiz Ferro from February 
14, 1995 to January 7th 1998, more than 1,500 indigenous campesinos 
were assassinated, an average of 15 per week. In just the highlands region 
of Chiapas (including the municipalities of San Andres and Chenalho), 
more than 800 people have now fallen victim to the paramilitary groups 
supported by the ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) and the 
federal and state governments. (Joshua Paulson, *ZAPATISMO NEWS 
UPDATE*--Special Report on the Massacre of Chenalho).

In a weekly news magazine Proceso, journalist Carlos Marin printed 
excerpts from a Mexican Army document that lays out a government 
strategy for the creation of paramilitary "self-defense" forces in Chiapas in 
order to undermine the civilian support base for the EZLN.  Yet in a 
statement made by the Secretary of National Defense on January 21st, 
Mexican General Enrique Cervantes Aguirre, clearly denies finding 
evidence of any armed paramilitary group stating  that "their existence is 
one existing version". The Army is proceeding to enter Zapatista 
communities in a search for weapons because, Aguirre says they will 
"continue to apply the Firearms and Explosives Law without exception". .  
The Law for Dialogue which provides for the disarmament of the EZLN as 
a result of the negotiation process is again nullified .  

At the same time a leader of an identified paramilitary group "Peace and 
Justice" which issued at least 50 death threats before carrying out the 
attempt on Bishop Samuel Ruiz's life holds a press conference claiming 
they are neither armed nor a paramilitary group. Zedillo and his Foreign 
Relations Minister denounce any "foreign intervention" in reaction to the 
international outcry about the massacre.

"Intervention" does not appear to include the $60.2 billion of US 
investment in Mexico, NAFTA or U.S. military assistance given under the 
guise of the "war on drugs." Chillingly, this type of U.S. intervention 
designed the destruction suffered by Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador. 
U.S. military resources prop up brutal dictatorships, protect U.S. 
investments and  sustain counter-insurgency efforts.   As one commentator 
from MSNBC noted in reference to the massacre and continuing violence 
in Chiapas, "the CIA has left its footprints-again allying itself with 
questionable elements within a foreign country's military." ("Planning the 
CIA's Next Secret War," Michael Moran, MSNBC)

The implication of all these facts are lost in the orchestrations of spin-
doctors. This is a war which follows the pattern of Guatemala where more 
than 150,000 people lost their lives. All evidence signals that this pattern of 
war will continue as far as its conductors are concerned.  

Human lives are not numbers to be ciphered on an adding machine.   The 
many of us who are NOT in the conductors seat must continue to raise our 
voices, and to organize our resources to put an end to this brutality.


A list of the major U.S. banks and investment funds in Mexico follows this 
call.  Much research must be conducted in order to begin to exert public 
pressure on those powerful institutions which are sponsoring this war. 

We would like to ask for your help in designing a divestment campaign.  
On February 9th begin by asking your banks and investment brokers to 
publicly disclose all investments they currently hold in Mexican stocks and 
debt instruments.   Ask your churches, unions and other institutional 
investors to review their portfolios, and to publicly disclose all investments 
they currently hold in Mexican stocks and debt instruments.

We are in the process of identifying key Mexican oligarchs close to the PRI 
who will be most vulnerable to economic pressure.  We will be providing 
information as it develops.

Please contact the NCDM at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or at 

5902 Monterey Rd., #194 
Los Angeles, CA 90042 
Phone: 213-254-9550 
Toll free:1-800-405-7770 
Fax: 213-254-9597

Several of the United States' banks, security firms and financial groups now 
operate in Mexico's financial market, including:

JP Morgan 
Chemical Bank of America 
Republic National Bank of New York 
Nations Bank 
Bank of Boston 
First Chicago Bank 
American Express Bank 
Goldman Sachs 
Bankers Trust 
Merrill Lynch 
Lehman Brothers 
Morgan Stanley 
Bear Stearns 
Ford Credit  
GE Capital 

Mutual funds based completely on Mexican stocks and bonds include:

Wright Equi-Funds Mexico  
Mexico Fund 
Mexico Equity and Income Fund 
Emerging Mexico Fund

Others which invest in Mexico (ranked by amount of millions of dollars 
invested in Mexico) as part of Latin American portfolios include:

Scudder  299 (based in Canada) 
Fidelity  277 
Merrill Lynch 232  
T.Row Price  115 
TCW/DW  101 
GT  91 
Morgan Stanley  54 
Excelsior Emerging Americas  34 
Templeton  11 
BT Investments 8 
Federated 8 
Govett  2 
Invesco  2 
Ivy  1 

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