>Free investment regime may not help South
>A policy brief by the South Centre which examines the risks and implications
>associated with FDI flows to South countries suggests that rather than
>accepting any or all FDI, these countries should pursue a policy of
>selectivity and adopt a coordinated and integrated approach on various
>future FDI-related matters.
>by Chakravarthi Raghavan
>GENEVA: "The South countries need to take a coordinated and integrated
>approach to the various FDI-related matters on the international agenda,"
>the South Centre has suggested in a Policy Brief on Foreign Direct
>Investment, Development and the New Global Economic Order.
>The Policy Brief is in the process of being sent to South countries by the
>Chairman of the South Centre, Mwalimu Julius Nyerere.
>How to "foster an enabling environment" to attract FDI has become an
>important question, and in this context "the key issue is whether such an
>enabling framework should embody a free investment regime".
>This issue assumes special importance in an era of increasing global
>economic liberalization, with the advanced industrial countries of the North
>making considerable efforts to persuade the developing countries of the
>virtue of removing the remaining constraints on FDI.
>FDI, the paper says, has the potential to help achieve development
>objectives and plays a key role in the integration of a country into the
>global economy.
>However, underlines the paper, in the current climate of enthusiasm over
>FDI, the costs tend to be overlooked.
>It cannot be presumed that the net socio-economic impact of FDI will in all
>circumstances be positive and there are reasons for questioning whether, in
>all cases, FDI is the cheapest and most appropriate means for obtaining
>foreign financial resources and desired technology.
>FDI, the document says, can and does make an important contribution to
>development in a number of ways, provided certain conditions are met with
>respect to; (a) the nature of the projects which are undertaken, and (b) the
>timing of these projects and setting prudent limits for total amount of FDI.
>The experience of the successful countries in East Asia, where FDI has
>played a significant role shows that these countries have, by and large,
>used such investment in a purposeful way, as part of the government's
>national and technological development policies.
>But these countries have been selective in their use of FDI, the paper
>points out.
>"The current inclination of many developing countries to accept any and all
>FDI gives cause for concern in that such an approach may harbour trouble for
>their future development prospects."
>"Not all FDI is conductive to development; some kinds may do more harm than
>FDI can create special hazards for South
>FDI, the paper says, creates special hazards for developing countries in the
>context of financial liberalization and increasingly sophisticated markets.
>The potentially serious problems posed for the recipient countries in
>respect of balance-of-payments, the exchange rate and macroeconomic
>management are frequently overlooked or underestimated by the international
>financial institutions and those advocating free flows of FDI, the South
>Centre paper adds.
>>From the point of view of the long-term financial stability and therefore,
>economic development, "there is an optimum level of flows and stock of FDI,
>which depends in part on its sectoral allocation, for any particular
>developing country, just as, by analogy, there is an optimum level of
>sustainable debt," the paper adds.
>The paper calls for further careful in-depth empirical research to be
>carried out by UNCTAD, WTO and UN regional economic commissions on key
>issues relating to FDI flows and economic stability and financial frugality.
>Many countries, developing and developed, are now offering investment
>incentives to attract FDI, but there is overwhelming evidence that such
>incentives are a relatively minor factor in locational decisions of TNCs
>relative to other locational advantages - such as market size and growth,
>production costs, skill levels, political and economic stability and a
>regulatory framework.
>But the way the competitive game in incentives is being played by
>governments, no country can afford to refrain from offering investment
>incentives for fear of losing out to similarly placed countries.
>"Developing countries as a whole lose collectively from competition among
>themselves in offering ever greater incentive packages to attract FDI.
>Collectively and individually, developing countries would gain from
>cooperation rather than competition in this sphere."
>The paper challenges the arguments that an OECD-type multilateral investment
>agreement would generate greater FDI flows, where the paper notes that the
>huge increase in FDI in the last 15 years has taken place without any
>multilateral investment agreement and, more importantly, there does not seem
>to be much correspondence between the liberality of a country's FDI regime
>and its FDI inflows.
>The present era of liberalization and globalization, with freer financial
>flows and increasingly sophisticated financial markets carries
>opportunities, but also significant hazards for developing countries, the
>paper warns.
>The international financial institutions (IFIs), it complains, draw
>attention only to the opportunities, and largely, if not altogether,
>overlook the hazards.
>The view that developing countries are not constrained by BOP and should not
>be concerned with foreign exchange implications or other foreign capital
>inflows, the paper says, is based on a theoretically legitimate but
>empirically erroneous economic doctrine that has come to hold sway in IFIs
>for a while in the 1990s, the paper points out.
>For developing countries, the current account balance still does matter and
>governments are obliged to intervene to correct the imbalances using fiscal,
>monetary and other policies to restrict consumption and increase investment.
>"The costs of government inaction in this area may be very high," the paper
>warns and adds, "it is therefore important to assess the implications of FDI
>projects for a country's current and prospective balance of payments."
>There are in-built instabilities connected with FDI flows, in particular
>with respect to profits retained by subsidiaries and, under certain
>circumstances, these can generate financial crises.
>The volatile nature of FDI flows and their possible procyclical nature also
>give cause for concern.
>The best way therefore, to limit the risks associated with FDI, avoid its
>undesirable effects, and increase the likelihood of it making a positive
>contribution to a country's socio-economic development efforts is to pursue
>a policy of:
>* Selectivity with respect to the magnitude and timing of capital inflows
>including FDI.
>This implies that governments should be able to determine the composition of
>capital inflows and formulate appropriate policies of government
>intervention to manage capital inflows, including those of FDI.
>* Selectivity with respect to specific projects, with preference for those
>with large technological spill-overs or other important socio-economic
>Confining FDI to priority sectors
>This may involve confining FDI to economic sectors and sub-sectors regarded
>as priorities in the country's overall socio-economic development.
>To the argument that while it might be good if investment goes to priority
>sectors, but that no harm will be done if it goes also to non- priority
>sectors, the South Centre brief points out that taking account of all
>relevant costs and benefits and macro-economic implications, "there may well
>be FDI projects where the costs to the economy and society exceed the
>benefits" and such projects should be screened out or certainly discouraged
>by developing country policies that are mindful of the aggregate effects of
>* Prudence with respect to total FDI flows as well as FDI stock so as not to
>render the economy financially more fragile in the context of future
>economic shocks.
>"A global investment regime which took away a developing country's ability
>to select among FDI projects, and to regulate inflows for macro- economic
>reasons, would hinder development and prejudice economic stability," the
>paper stresses.
>"Indeed, the now advanced industrial countries built up their present
>economic strength under a regime, of strict controls over inflows and
>outflows of capital, which lasted for several decades, relaxing them only
>gradually and, in some cases only relatively recently."
>"Such an erosion of government autonomy in decision-making with respect to
>FDI as implied by current North proposals can have serious economic and
>political consequences for developing countries."
>All developing countries lose from competition among themselves to offer
>ever greater FDI incentives and hence a policy conclusion to be drawn is
>that, in addition to being selective in their acceptance of FDI, developing
>countries would benefit collectively from cooperation on the matter of
>investment incentives rather than competition in this sphere.
>A "development-friendly" policy framework for FDI
>Outlining the broad contours of a "development-friendly" policy framework
>for FDI, the paper says that a framework should at least include elements
>* allow countries to be selective with regard to the timing of FDI and to
>actual FDI projects, according to current development levels and needs;
>* legitimize "qualified" market access so that a potential host country
>could specify the degree to which it would give national access, in terms of
>percentage limit on foreign shareholding, or the total value of individual
>or aggregate foreign investment;
>* prevent abuse of monopoly power by large transnationals, encouraging, as
>far as possible, level playing fields between large foreign investors and
>small domestic companies so that the latter can survive and flourish;
>* permit limitations to national treatment, giving governments scope to
>stipulate performance requirements and similar measures, TRIMs
>notwithstanding, in order to encourage foreign enterprises to contribute to
>development objectives, including a healthy BOP; and
>* establish rules of conduct for foreign investors to prevent bribery and
>corruption and tax avoidance through transfer-pricing among other things.
>To provide a credible and predictable environment for foreign investment,
>whether by the North or the South, ground rules would be needed to guarantee
>the protection of investment and provide an appropriate dispute settlement
>mechanism, suitably designed to take account of the circumstances of
>developing countries.
>And if it be concluded that there has to be a multilateral regime for FDI,
>rather than the current bilateral and regional agreements, an approach worth
>considering, is that based on a "positive" list approach to liberalization
>of FDI - whereby each country specifies the economic sectors and industry,
>if any, in which it is willing to open up to FDI and willing to assume
>treaty obligations.
>This would give each developing country the scope to determine its own pace
>and approach to the liberalization of FDI.
>The paper notes that competition policy issues would become critical if
>developing countries were to engage eventually in negotiations on an
>"ultra-liberal" multilateral FDI regime of the sort envisaged by the OECD.
>Competition policy issues
>"In any case, what is at issue is the kind of competition policies, national
>and international, which are necessary for the development of the South.
>Developing countries as a group will need to promote their own ideas on
>'development-friendly' competition policies."
>While the US sees competition to be an objective in itself, the Europeans
>have viewed it to be an integral part of their industrial policy, assessing
>its success according to whether or not it leads to greater efficiency or in
>a dynamic sense, more productive growth. The Japanese on the other hand,
>have tried to avoid allowing too little or too much competition.
>The paper suggests that developing countries should adopt a "Japanese- type"
>of competition policy which promotes both cooperation and competition
>between firms.
>In view of their state of under-development and lack of competitive
>capabilities of most domestic firms in developing countries, the domestic
>competition authorities may, for example, promote mergers among domestic
>companies, while prohibiting takeovers of domestic firms by large foreign
>"This implies the need for discretion on the part of competition authorities
>in the implementation of domestic competition policies."
>"Agreement on domestic competition policies, as part of a broader
>multilateral investment agreement, which enshrined the concept of national
>treatment would clearly be inappropriate for developing countries," the
>paper says. Thus, agreement and action are required both on competition
>policies that developing countries themselves should implement and on an
>international policy to deal with issues which domestic competition policies
>cannot tackle.
>In the short- and medium-term, developing countries have to contend with the
>impending discussions and negotiations on the Uruguay Round in- built
>agenda; the discussions on the results of the UNCTAD and WTO studies on
>investment and competition matters and, importantly, the evolving OECD
>multilateral investment agreement.
>"It will be essential for the South to take a coordinated and integrated
>approach to the various FDI-related matters on the international agenda,"
>the paper adds.
>But the suggestions in this regard seem rather weak:
>* The G77 in Geneva should set up a small working group on FDI matters, and
>meet regularly to review related issues and the report to the G77;
>* Undertake various FDI-related studies in different parts of the South, and
>for South experts and institutions involved to link themselves
>electronically via internet; and
>* Set up an expert group to monitor the OECD MAI-related proceedings, study
>in depth the OECD draft agreement and its implications for the South, and
>report its conclusions to the G77. - Third World Economics (16-31 October
>Chakravarthi Raghavan is the Chief Editor of the South-North Development
>Monitor (SUNS)

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