In message <l03102806b0f789b5b05f@[]>, Doug Henwood
>Apologies to all you non-USers - and maybe a few USers too - who don't
>share the present obsession with Tailgate.

Don't apologise. The whole world waits with baited breath to see what
the President will come up with (if that's not too graphic an image). In
Britain the press has manufactured a mirror image scandal around foreign
secretary Robin Cook so artificial that one is bound to set prejudice
aside and defend the Labour government against its critics. I understand
that in the Middle East newspapers are reporting the impending conflict
over weapons-inspectors as 'The War of Clinton's Penis' (as reported by
Tam Dalyell MP in parliament). The out-of-control character of the
Special Prosecutors' Office is an interesting warning for Britain, where
parliamentary regulators were given powers higher than those of
parliament (previously a taboo in British constitutional theory) for the
first time. Permanent scandal is getting to be the norm for the
political process in most countries.
James Heartfield

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