It is interesting to note that the chaos/complexity "paradigm" is 
often portrayed as "cutting edge; the notions of hidden order in 
complexity and complexity out of assumed order, fuzzy logic, strange-
attractors, spirals rather than linear chains of causality etc.

The earilies known date of the Mayan calender, on which all later 
Mayan dates were based was 3372 B.C. according to "Native American 
History" by Judith Nies. The Mayas of Mexico and Guatemala conceived 
of time in terms of cycles within cycles with the smallest 
measurement being a cycle or religious year of 260 days inside a 
secular year of 365 days. The Mayan civilization in Yucatan, Mexico 
located time within large cycles like intermeshing wheels (3), with a 
system based on precise celestial measurements, developed a celendar 
more accurate than the calendar later developed by Pope Gregory. Some 
Mayan documents placed the end of the world at around 34,000. Of 
course elements of some of the essential concepts of 
"chaos/complexity" theory (paradigm?) can also be found in classical 
Taoist writings and Siberian Shaman stories as well. 

On another note, we have our very own "Tuskeegee" experiment in 
Washinton State. For over ten years, the multiplying physiological 
effects of radioactive waste leakage into soil and groundwater around 
Hanford were measured by using Indians living in surrounding areas as 
experimental subjects. Without notifying anyone of the monitoring or 
any Indians what was being examined, Indians were given "free medical 
exams" to take blood and tissue samples to test for escalating levels 
of radioactivity from radioactive waste. Further, those suffering 
diseases generally associated with radiation were given special "free 
exams." No theraputic treatment was given to any of the subjects.

The Native American Student Council at Clark College, in reference to 
these experiments and to the celebration of "Columbus Day" have 
elected to propose a combined "Eichmann/Mengele Day" to the Board of 
Trustees and invite all students to "celebrate." They will be 
gathering quotes from Eichmann and Mengele contrasting them with 
quotes from the Diary of Columbus and making posters with pictures 
from the Nazi Holocaust contrasting them with images from the Indian 

The NASC has also proposed to gather from propaganda posters and 
other media, the most ugly and offensive (self-indicting) images and 
caricatures of people of various racial/ethnic/religious groups to 
create counter mascots/symbols/rituals/names for current high-
school and professional sports teams. Suggestions included: "New York 
Niggers" (with an ugly caricature of an African American carrying a 
watermellon and doing the "watermellon shuffle"); "Kansas City Kikes" 
(with a football helmet symbol of a Dollar Sign superimposed on a 
Star of David); "San Franscisco Spics" (With the symbol of an 
overweight Puerto Rican sitting under a mango tree taking a siesta) 
and many other patently offensive (clealry self-indicting) 
caricatures--as offensive as "Washington Redskins", "The Tomahawk 
Chop", "The Bucktoothed Indian" of Cleveland etc.

The NASC has also proposed to set up a Pow Wow and American Indian 
"Mall" (Foods, Arts/Crafts etc) at one of the Cemetaries of the Oregon 
Trail Pioneers since so much of Indian burial lands are covered by 
supermalls they figure a dramatic illustration to show how it feels.

As the Faculty Advisor, I urged them not to do some dramatic stuff as 
it is "axiomatic" and "automatic", that the dialaectic will unfold, 
and capitalism will collapse under the weight of its own mounting 
internal contradictions, and therefore we don't have to actually "DO" 
anything ;-), but they had some kind of idea that more than just 
talking and writing to the converted is required for substantive 
change. Oh Well.

                              Jim Craven

*                             "Who controls the past,               * 
*  James Craven              controls the future.                   *  
*  Dept of Economics           Who controls the present,            *
*  Clark College             controls the past." (George Orwell)    *
*  1800 E. Mc Loughlin Blvd.                                        * 
*  Vancouver, Wa. 98663  (360) 992-2283  FAX:  (360)992-2863        *
*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                                * 

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