> Date sent:      Tue, 10 Feb 1998 15:12:25 EST
> Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> From:           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject:        Re: primitive communism

> In a message dated 98-02-09 14:48:09 EST, you write:
> << s this really going to happen? I find it nearly impossible to believe that
>  a capitalist government would ever sign over significant amounts of land to
>  aboriginals, no matter how solid their claim. Am I being too cynical?
>  Doug
>   >>
> According to the NYTimes (I think this was last Thursday (2/5/98) or Friday),
> the Canadian courts have ruled that the oral histories of canadian tribes can
> be used as evidence of ownership of the land.  If this holds up in higher
> courts -- this could mean different tribes gaining some of the most
> significant winnings of land rights since Columbus landed in the Bahamas.
> maggie coleman [EMAIL PROTECTED]


It is all very dialectical. As the capitalist system and its 
defining/core/inner contradictions ripen, the imperatives of 
accumulation cause either selective/situational abrogation (and 
therefore de-legitimation) of the "sacred" and/or raw naked hypocrisy 
and de-legitimized brute power. The "sacred" principles, laws, 
rights, privileges, bases of legitimacy, myths, power relations etc 
of "private property" indict/condemn the very private property they 
protect, and, "private property" (e.g. the porn shop next to the 
grade school) in turn indicts/condemns the sacred principles etc.

If oral histories are declared illegitimate, how much of non-Indian 
property becomes de-legitimized?; how much of non-Indian history 
becomes de-legitimized?; how many place-names of non-Indian 
territories become suspect?

Suppose one finds his/her neighbors being slaughtered all around him 
or her and those doing the slaughter announce that person is next. 
Suppose that person flees and his/her house is occupied and all 
papers or oral/written records of original occupancy are destroyed, 
suppose the occupier decides to sell the house, even under the most 
sacred of bourgeois principles and laws, if the true history of 
occupancy can be discovered and proved, the new owner of the house 
has no more claim than the owner who stole the house in order to sell 
it; it must revert back to the first owner who can show acquisition 
through legal means--that is bourgeois law.

So how to get around the contradiction? Then we have the myths and 
revisions of history as one kind of attempt to re-write the history 
of acquisition in order to ratify the "givens" of neoclassical theory 
and the established order--"given" distributions of property 
ownership/control, wealth and incomes, information and access to 
information, laws and access to legal assistance etc: 1) Indians may 
have had an idea of territory in a broad sense but did not 
"continuously occupy" particular turf; 2) Indians did not really 
"improve" and land they occupied; 3) Indians were primitive 
communalists who had no concept of "private property" and "therefore" 
no "private property" was looted from them; 4) If "private property" 
was indeed looted, reparations have been paid/are being paid in 
accordance with the demands of the "legitimate representatives" of 
the Nations and Tribes and therefore the books are clean; 5) etc.

                                 Jim Craven

*                             "Concern for man[sic] himself and his * 
*  James Craven                fate must always form the chief      *  
*  Dept of Economics           interest of all technical endeavors, *  
*  Clark College               concern for the great unsolved       *
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