>Let's imagine a scenario in which the President of the United States is
killed, along with his porn-star girlfriend, when his limosine slams into a
underpass support post while fleeing a pack of papperazzi hoping to capture
a telephoto shot of the president and friend in *flagrante delecto*.
>No, no. Let's imagine a porno flick in which the above scenario is the
skeletal plot upon which the panting, grunting, slurping content is draped.

The third draft is a post-structuralist intellectual art film version.
Version 3.0 has one of the papparazzi (named Zapruder?) discovering an
assassination subtext to his telephoto blow job footage. Zapruder views the
segment from cum shot to crash repeatedly, trying to isolate the movement of
a shadowy figure who seems to have precipitated the fatal climax. (This
reuse of a single film sequence has the added advantage of keeping
production costs low).

By the end of the film, Zapruder realizes that the shadowy figure is
Zapruder's own literary agent, Luc Goldberg, and that the film in his
position is the highest expression of self-valorizing capital.

Any literary agents out there? I'll be home most of the afternoon.



Tom Walker
Know Ware Communications
Vancouver, B.C., CANADA
(604) 688-8296 
The TimeWork Web: http://www.vcn.bc.ca/timework/

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