In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, James Michael Craven
>Capitalism produces a whole host of slick facades to "show" that 
>choices are indeed free choices or if they are even "constrained 
>choices", we are all constrained and they are choices nontheless.
>But the reality is that what appears to be "consensual" is the 
>"consent" given when the alternative is not simply less money but 
>rather no money; the "consent" given when the alternative is not 
>simply less comfortable shelter but rather no shelter; the "consent"
>given when the alternative is a slow and horrible death.

This is all very well, but you seem to be arguing that there is no
difference between wage slavery and slavery, or between adulthood and

To argue that the power of capital is coercive surely does not mean that
we might as wll be slaves, does it?
James Heartfield

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