  I can't remember where I read it -- perhaps Covert Action --
about the US cutting all aid to Yugoslavia in the late 1980s
in an attempt to destabilize the country.  The references
sounded genuine and refered to State Department declassified
documents if my memory serves me correctly.  If I have time
after exams and marking I will try to dig up the reference
for you.

Re the Albanian population in Kosovo:  here are the figures
up to 1986.

1921 Albanian population as % of Kosovo population = 63.8
1948                                               = 69.5
1971                                               = 73.7
1981                                               = 77.4
1986                                               =  na

Growth rate of population by ethnicity SFRY:
           1953-60   1961-70    1971-80
Total        14.9     10.6        9.0
Albanians    25.6     29.9       30.0
Macedonians  19.6     15.0       11.5
Servs        13.6      9.5        6.6
Croats       11.5      6.8        5.9

The high population growth rate (through natural increase)
was held as responsible for the continuing relative poverty
in Kosovo *despite* a transfer of development capital to
the regions greater than anywhere else in Yugoslavia --
estimated (circa 1988) at US$ 1,450,000 daily.

Paul Phillips,
University of Manitoba

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