Apropos the recent discussion of US vs. European "competitiveness," here's
an interesting table from the Economist Intelligence Unit - their estimates
of the costs of doing business for multinationals in various countries.
Unsurprisingly, Germany is #1 - but perhaps surpisingly, the US is #2. The
UK is more expensive than Sweden. I guess production wages aren't the only
story. Components of the estimates include wage costs (including executive
salaries), business travel, teaxes, rents, telecoms, and transport. For
some unexplained reason, Japan isn't included.



Economist Intelligence Unit estimates

Germany            100.0
US                  91.8
Belgium             89.4
UK                  81.4
France              79.5
Netherlands         74.2
Sweden              68.6
Australia           65.4
Italy               64.9
Singapore           59.0
Canada              58.5
Argentina           54.1
Spain               52.9
Brazil              52.3
Mexico              50.2
Hong Kong           48.8
Russia              47.3
Poland              25.1
India               22.1
Czech Rep           20.5
Chile               19.0
China               10.4
Thailand             5.6
Hungary              2.2
Malaysia             1.7
Indonesia            1.6
South Africa         1.0

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