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Stand up for different Politics
Large Demonstration in Berlin on June 20th

Action Committees of the Unemployed, Trade Unionists, Students, Rank and
File Groups, Church Initiatives and the Supporters of the Erfurt Declaration
have called a big demonstration on June 20th in Berlin.

Under the mottos  "Stand up for different Politics " and  "Come out of
the Spectator-Democracy " organisations are mobilising across the country for
what may well be one of the biggest demonstrations since the half a million
strong demonstration organised last Summer by the German TUC (DGB).

For instance, here in Nuremberg a train has been charted for the trip to Berlin
and by all accounts there will be little problem getting the train full.

The demands being put forward by the organisers do not just centre around the
question of jobs for the unemployed:

  * New and just distribution of work
  * Social and ecological tax reform
  * Same educational chances for all
  * Democracy for those who have no German Passport
  * New peace politics and a new world economic order

Interestingly, and this in the year of federal elections, in which the chances
are good that Kohl can be toppled, the official leaflet for the demonstration
also states that  "a new Chancellor is not enough! We want new politics "
and goes on to demand:

 * An end to the political self-deprivation of power in favour of the industry
 * An end to the disrespect for the interests of human beings in favour of
 * A end to the discrimination of the poor
 * And end to the reduction of democratic rights

The leaflet also states that these demands are tasks that do not end with the
elections.  "New politics that will bring jobs and social justice cannot
be achieved by just putting a cross on a ballot paper. " An extra-parliamentary
movement across the spectrum of the SPD, Greens and the PDS to bring about a
change in politics is also necessary.

The leaflet ends with the slogans:

 * Come out of the Spectator-Democracy!
 * Come to the Federal Wide Demonstration on June 20th in Berlin!

The web site for the demonstration (in German):
DGB Erfurt, http://www.dgb-bwt.com/erfurt

Report by Dave Hollis for
LabourNet Germany,
URL: http://www.labournet.org.uk/germany/

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Tom Walker
#408 1035 Pacific St.
Vancouver, B.C.
V6E 4G7
(604) 669-3286 
The TimeWork Web: http://www.vcn.bc.ca/timework/

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