Dear pen-l'rs,

As promissed, here is a transcript of the interview with Gandy Zyuganov,
the leader of CPRF.


Radiostantsiya Ekho Moskvy
12 August 1998
[translation for personal use only]
Interview with Gennadiy Zyuganov, leader of the Russian
Communist Party, by Aleksandr Andreyev -- live

  [Andreyev] Good afternoon, Gennadiy Andreyevich.
  [Zyuganov] Good afternoon.
  [Andreyev] The first question will be about the government and the
economic situation.  The government is now trying hard to collect taxes
improve the country's economic situation in order to obtain another IMF
tranche and further improve the economy.  Many laws have to be adopted
this.  In your view, will the Duma gather in August to help Kiriyenko's
government in this matter?
  [Zyuganov] There is no denying that the situation is parlous, a very
bad one.  And this is true not only about financial markets but also
crime that has paralyzed whole streets.  Yeltsin has driven everyone up
wall, not only the miners but also the oilmen, not only tramps and
unemployed but also businessmen.  As regards the government,
it continues its old policy of squeezing money from a population that
already been robbed four times and from enterprises that have been
three times.  If only they were concerned about how to support and
production, that would be one thing.  But the money they asked for has
given on the condition that not a kopeck will be paid to the real
[passage omitted on possibility of Duma extraordinary meeting to discuss

austerity laws; Zyuganov's attitude to Communist Maslyukov joining the
  I asked the government to reveal the conditions on which the IMF is
giving us a big loan.  You know that I have not received any reply.  The

Duma asked the same question and got no reply either. Finally we found
document on the Internet in English and translated it into Russian.  In
our government pledges to scrap all the social achievements and
that the country has.  In fact, Russia has gone over to outside
  It is being run by the IMF, from Washington or anywhere.  [passage
on arguments against working with the current government; Maslyukov is
likely to be sacked from the Communist Part central committee for
disobedience; the Semago-Klimentyev election bid in Nizhniy Novgorod]
  [Andreyev] Let us speak about the events in Afghanistan.  The Taleban
is approaching CIS borders.  They are already on the border with
and, in all likelihood, after they capture yet another pass, they will
at the Tajik border, which is being protected by Russian border guards.
your view, could Russia do anything so that these people suffer no harm
that the CIS remains as it is, without new problems emerging?
  [Zyuganov] Thank you for this question but I would formulate it
somewhat differently.  An impeachment commission to remove Yeltsin from
power is working now.  It is within constitutional norms.  The
has held its first meeting on the Belovezhye conspiracy. And it was
there that a small number of people -- Yeltsin, [Sergey] Shakhray,
[Gennadiy] Burbulis -- did their utmost to destroy a single country, a
single security expanse, and a single border for the sake of gratifying
their personal ambitions and getting seats in the Kremlin or in other
offices and so on.  They committed an unprecedented crime of destroying
defense system that was four centuries old and extended from Larva to
Kasha.  [passage omitted on Zyuganov expanding this theme]
It is clear today that all out troubles, including in Central Asia,
stem from Belovezhye.  Now, let us look at the specific situation.  I
just returned from the North Caucasus where I visited several republics.

The situation is ominous there.  Almost everyone is armed.  If this
catches fire, it will be difficult to put it out.  Meanwhile, everything

being done to upset the situation in Dagestan, Chechnya, and so on.
At the same time, the Taleban is getting right up to Central Asia.
The Taleban movement is made up of those who, paid by the United States,

Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan, were specifically trained for field fighting

Afghanistan.  They are approaching the border. They are Islamic
and the very fact of their cynical execution of Najibullah confirms
The world community kept silent whilst our leadership, which at one time

saw Najibullah as an ally, made no serious protest.  And now they are
reaping the whirlwind at their own borders.  And this gives out a signal

all Central Asian leaders.  If this crosses the river and catches fire
there too -- oh!
  I have been everywhere in that region, including Tajikistan, and know
the situation well.  A concerted joint reaction by all the leaders
have been voiced some six months ago.  The CIS was based on a single
defense space, a single border, a single army, and a single security
system.  But they have failed to implement a single point of what they
signed!  And now they have to convene urgently -- but there is nobody to

convene.  Yeltsin is gravely ill, he is not in control of himself, the
government is paralyzed by a financial crisis, others are engaged in
internal feuds, and so on. [Foreign Minister Yevgeniy] Primakov
these problems, he is an Arabic scholar and knows the region well but
ministry's efforts are not enough for taking such strategic decisions.
[passage omitted on break for newscast]
  [Andreyev] The economic situation in Russia is very difficult, it is
being compounded by numerous protest actions.  Is there any other
to the crisis or, on the contrary, the government will understand that
people have started large-scale protests and will reconsider its policy?

  [Zyuganov] [passage omitted on Zyuganov summing up his party's vain
efforts to reason with the government]
I am in favor of organized protests, when all responsible people
understand that we are at an impasse and the situation must be
But I am only in favor of a peaceful and democratic solution to the
situation.  I would suggest the following blueprint. First,
and respectable people, heads of the Federation Council, the State Duma
major regions, religious figures and nationally-minded capitalists who
to work in Russia should get together and hold multilateral and
consultations because we cannot go on like this.
  Second, there is a possibility of introducing amendments to the
Constitution by the two chambers and reshaping power in favor of a
government and effective legislative authority.
  Third, the impeachment procedure should be seen through to the end.
It has been announced and signed by 225 deputies but 300 signatures are
required.  I do not see any problem in collecting this number.  [passage

omitted on Zyuganov's ideas on how to correct the situation]
  [Andreyev] I have a question about methods of influencing the
executive -- do you support coal miner pickets on rail tracks?
  [Zyuganov] I am in two minds about it.  On the one hand, people do not

get wages for months, their voices are being ignored. [passage omitted
suffering of working people]
  On the other hand, I understand perfectly well that if railroads are
blocked, bread and coal will not be delivered, all communications will
cut off, preparations for the winter will fail, and so on.  Look, there
Chelyabinsk-26 and Chelyabinsk-70 in Chelyabinsk Region.  If power
is switched off from nuclear facilities there then, given the current
the backup systems will simply fail, I am afraid.  Therefore we called
the striking people to stage pickets and put up tents, like here, in
Moscow, on Gorbatyy Bridge, and work with each labor collective to agree

their actions.  We have had such a picket line in Omsk for more than
several weeks.  I talked to them yesterday.  There are 20 permanent
but all the collectives of the military-industrial complex, educational
establishments, teachers, and doctors have visited them, from all
Districts.  It is imperative now that protests are staged simultaneously

all regions with the same demands:  Yeltsin's resignation, a change of
political course, and the formation of a government of national trust.
[pasage omitted on Zyuganov elaborating on how the country should be
using Roosevelt as an example]
  [Andreyev] In your view, will Clinton's visit to Russia improve the
economic situation and will it have any effect on anything at all?
  [Zyuganov] Americans, their administration and Clinton should stop and

think why embassies are being blown up and why anti- Americanism is
throughout the world.  I would not like to see a return to the Cold War
anti-Americanism in our country is growing by the hour too.  They
administration] see and support a gang of thieving bankrupt drunks who
led the nation to extinction and annihilation.  But they have kept
supporting them. These reforms are a blatant genocide and the
of people. Backed by the Americans, democrats in Russia invented a
monstrous system of destroying people, culture, education, and honest
information.  You, journalists, are suffering too since you see what is
happening in the country because you also live in it.  I would like
therefore very much that during his next visit he [Clinton] should
from persuading us to ratify START II or to carry on with the Chubays
reforms.  At the present-day stage, neither will come through.  The
is not blind any longer and it is longing for a change.  We would like
live in peace and friendship with America, Europe, and Asia.  We would
to inherit everything good on earth.  At the same time, we would like to

see respect for our language, culture, and our uniqueness.  We would
to see respect for our choice and sovereignty.  But we do not have any
today.  A master is coming to see his subjects.
  [Andreyev] Here is the last question:  Will START II be ratified in
the near future?
  [Zyuganov] What is START?  It is a treaty signed when the conventional

arms treaty was in force.  Now the whole system has been upset.  At the
time NATO was not expanding, now it is.  Who is posing a threat to them
from the East?  Nobody.  Why then are they expanding?  In order to
Russia up into pieces and then to privatize it bit by bit.  And they see

Russia as the outpost of the struggle against Islamic extremism and
Communism.  So what do they expect -- that Russia should do just that
simultaneously scrapping its entire security system?  You cannot be
serious!  On the whole, I believe that the level, the threshold of
weapons should be considerably lowered.  I am perhaps one of the few
politicians who has taken part in nuclear and chemical weapons tests.
There are seven countries with nuclear weapons today, and tomorrow
15 will join them because they are technologically ready for this.
claims not to have any. Everybody is making noises about Iraq.  But Iraq

does not have any indeed, whilst Israel has a nuclear bomb.  Ask
intelligence people and they will confirm.
  Just imagine that five or so nuclear charges are dropped on a country,

any country.  It will be an absolutely different country tomorrow.
Therefore national, state, global security should be comprehended as
as possible because the planet is already groaning under the weight of
piles of weapons and the mentality of military confrontation.
will not be the master of the world.  A multipolar world is developing
it requires more astute politicians, closer contacts, and no humiliation

countries. Russia, all of us, have been humiliated to such a degree that

outrageous things have started growing from below and on outer flanks in

our country and many people are terrified by them.  So do not humiliate!

Germany was humiliated and that led to the 1941 war. Nobody took its
interests into account and it was carved up after the World War I.  At
time the experience and interests of Soviet Russia were also neglected.
was simply thrown out of Europe.  So lessons must be learned from this
a multipolar world should be built keeping in mind that education,
ecology, and peaceful neighbourhoods are the most important things.
this, trust and the ratification of appropriate documents will be
Instead, now when everything in Russia has been upset and reduced to
state, nobody will consider this seriously.
  [Andreyev] Thank you, Gennadiy Andreyevich.

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