On Sun, 9 Aug 1998, Eugene P. Coyle wrote:

>         Consumption is learned behavior.  The desire for Coca Cola doesn't
> spring unbidden from the innocent mind.  And Coca Cola needs an
> infrastructure.  Refridgeration and ice.  Coca Cola had a hard time getting
> started in the UK because ice boxes weren't in stores.  Many other prodcuts
> need an infrastructure.  Who puts that in place, some thirsty guy who
> installs an ice box at every grocery store so that he can have a Coke?  No,
> a marketing expert.

Don't be so sure about the 'need' for refrigeration of coke either. In
China (at least in
Beijing) they look at you like you're crazy to ask for a 'cold' coke or
(in my case) Sprite.  Even during the Beijing summer this is still the
case in some places. Though this is less and less the case it seems, but
at least until it is screaming hot outdoors, noone seems to need a Coke or
Sprite that is refrigerated. Warm will do just fine (except for me).



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