Further thoughts on Justin Schwartz's concern that participatory economies
lead to a dictorship of the sociable:

Most people would be surprised to discover that participation in
participatory planning takes place almost exclusively through a
kind of voting that does NOT entail attending meetings and taking
part in long discussions. The procedure of proposal, counter proposal,
approve, disapprove is all done without attending meetings. Where
time is required is cable TV type debates with "experts" presenting
their views on what ARE the predictable consequences of new products,
technologies, and investment priorties that are provided for people
in general, but representatives of federations in particular, to
inform themselves before the vote.

The problem here, admittedly, is that some will tune in and others will
not. Some will process this information more intelligently than others
before they vote also. I don't know what can be done about either of these
unfortunate results.

Ultilmately voting is done according to degree effected. Unfortunately
democracy rules out any attempt to weigh some votes more because someone
deems them better informed.

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