At 04:34 PM 2/6/97 -0800, you wrote:
>>>4)How would you evaluate in general the thesis that American 
>capitalism is, one way, or another headed for a long period of 
>stagnation/slow growth? and if this is true, will it be tolerable 
>enough that the Rob. Samuelsons, etc, can continue to pass it off 
>as the best of all possible worlds? ...<<
>I can't predict the future, but my gut feeling is that we'll have 
>stagnation. Rob't Samuelson's gets paid to be optimistic, so I 
>don't expect him to abandon his Panglossian view. 

Speaking of Mr. Optimism, anybody catch his latest in Newsweek?  Acc to
Samuelson, studies show that when it comes to deregulation, "we've had
enough experience with it to draw some conclusions.  And the main one is:
it works"--to the tune of saving us about $40 to $60 billion a year.  Of
course, Samuelson admits there's that pesky little problem with the S&Ls,
which "was botched big time," but he doesn't include it when figuring out
our "savings."  See Jim, this is why you don't understand that most working
families are doing well; when you calculate how much money they've made,
you forgot to drop out their credit card debt and their loans...

Anders Schneiderman
Progressive Communications

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