>Most of the stuff on Pen-L is garbage! But if you insist on refusing 
>Cockroach and other issues  that i post. Well, take Pen L. and shove it up 
>your ass. Now you either take me off your list or leave it alone!
>Because what your are doing is banning Trotskyists and kissing the asses of 
>the Liberals and Mensheviks that post dozens of piss articles that have 
>nothing to do with poor and working class people and their struggles!
>Futhermore I am posting your letter and this reply to you to the other 
>lists, the newsgroups and  a future issue of Cockroach.
>CC: everybody I know! And that is a whole lot of people you whiny little 
>fucking piece of shit.
Dear Bob

i am sure the boycott will be successful. go for it. get your loud-hailer out
(like we did in the 60-70s) and get into a lather with some slogans, old
fashioned ones like those that were popular around the vietnam days.....and
march off into the distance, hating, loathing, and feeling like a real fucking

many people experienced high costs for matters of principle during the late 60
and early 70, including internment for extended periods. but that was more than
25 years ago. the struggle has changed. 

i have read cockroach. it is poor communication. it is froth and bubble and
barely gets beyond the student babble that hides virtual nothingness in a
swathe of fancy titles "trotyskyists, mensheviks..."

class struggle is about communicating with people not badgering them with
insults and rudeness. pen-l is the progressive economic list. we know you exist
thanks to your postings (that michael accepts) on the table of contents. we
have the choice to go to your site and check it out. that is enough. those who
visit the site won't be bookmarking it - it is full of the sort of shit that
you pumped out today.

i might be the liberal type you hate but for the list record i support michael
completely in the way he runs the list. From my personal contact with him i 
think he is a really top guy. Your failure to assess him properly, probably is
also related to the reason why your attempt at web journalism is miserable.
your attacks on him miss the mark. they merely reflect on you.

as a monthy python sketch might conclude.... "oh no, not that,...please not
that, please don't post anything to cockroach......., what would
i do if any of this gets in cockroach....."

kind regards


         ####    ##       William F. Mitchell
       #######   ####     Head of Economics Department
     #################    University of Newcastle
   ####################   New South Wales, Australia
   ###################*   E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   ###################    Phone: +61 49 215065
    #####      ## ###            +61 49 215027
                          Fax:   +61 49 216919  
                  ##      http://econ-www.newcastle.edu.au/~bill/billyhp.html   

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