You're absolutely correct in your interpretation, Jerry.



PS -- what are you doing to change the world?

> D Shniad wrote:
> > This is true, ironically (perhaps especially true) of
> > many Marxist intellectuals, despite Marx's famous thesis on Feuerbach
> > about the need to stop analyzing and start changing the world.
> The much-quoted XI "Theses on Fuerbach" ["The philosophers have only
> *interpreted* the world, in various ways: the point, however, is to
> *change* it"] can not be interpreted as a call to "stop analyzing the
> world." Such an interpretation would not fit well into either Marx's
> perspective on praxis or his own life's work.  It would be more
> reasonable, and in keeping with Marx's other writings and actions, to say
> that he held that one should *both* analyze and change the world.
> Jerry

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