At 07:21 PM 9/23/98 -0400, you wrote:
>A bit back I remember some incensed comment about the Citicorp-Travelers
>Merger.  It seems they announced the merger prior to securing approval from
>Washington regulators; and the announcement was seen as a move to force
>Washtington's hand.
>Well, it seem it didn't take much forcing.  5-0 vote for it, behind closed
>doors.  Article follows.  Comment?

Comment:  I have a book on bank mergers in the US coming out with ME Sharpe
in January.  It goes into this question of regulatory stance at great
length.  Let me
just make a few basic points:
*the Fed regulatory stance shifted definitively in 1982 with Reagan's
rules were loosened in 1982 and 1984, defanging the antitrust laws.  These have
been weakened since, all on the basis of the now-familiar argument that 
potential entry is a substitute for actual competition in any given market.
I have 
some econometric results for the California mortgage market which show that 
market concentration still matters in the old-fashioned way; but this leads
to the
second point.
*there is a kind of quiet generational war going on in the Fed between the older
structure-conduct-performance types and the newer efficient-market types. This
is to some extent a war between the staffs at the Fed Banks (esp. NY) and the
Board.  Some Fed economists have actually used event study methods to prove
the efficiency of a given action
*this reliance on market information will probably be less attractive for a
while. In
any case, I argue in the book that the merger movement in banking is largely 
Wall-Street driven; and now that banking prices have tumbled (see the NYT 
article Tom attached) the game is less enticing.  These players were buying 
banks, a low-margin business at best, at 3 to 5 times book value!  Nice capital
gains if you can cash them in.  Just ask Phil Hazen
*The Fed has been so passive in evaluating mergers that there is no longer any
danger of a denial; hence the "jumping-the-gun" aspect to merger announcements.
The announcement date, in effect, is the merger date.  
*The anti-trust law is actually still on the books.  Strange but true.

Gary D.
Gary Dymski  
Department of Economics
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA 92521-0427
Phone: 909-787-5037 x1570
Fax: 909-787-5685
Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (office)
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