>From russia today  Oct. 8 1998 Mos 1:58 p.m. 

Second Day of Protest Begins in Russian Far East 

<Picture: r100803.jpg>MOSCOW -- (Agence France Presse) Communist
predictions that nationwide protests would continue were being borne out at
least in part on Thursday morning, as mass demonstrations over wage arrears
resumed in Russia's Far East, Itar-Tass news agency reported. (Protesters
in Novokuznetsk, Siberia, during a Wednesday demonstration.) 

True to vows not to relent until President Boris Yeltsin resigns, thousands
of tireless pickets again descended upon the capital of Russia's distant
Kamchatka region, where some workers have not been paid their salaries in
over a year and a half. 

"Oct. 7 is just the start -- the protest will continue and grow," Communist
Party boss Gennady Zyuganov had warned Tuesday. 

Labor union leaders in Kamchatka estimated the number of protesters, who
have paralyzed public transport, at 22,000, saying the demonstrations could
continue until Monday, when thousands from the region's crippled military
sector plan to march beneath red banners. 

The workers' demands, like their picket signs, were the same as on
Wednesday, when hundreds of thousands of Russians from Vladivostok to
Moscow flooded the nation's streets in protest over billions of dollars
owed in wage arrears. 

Pensioners and public workers across the country said they would not be
satisfied until Yeltsin resigned. 

Though repeatedly burned in effigy, Yeltsin said he would not step down and
expressed satisfaction with the "great political responsibility" shown by
political forces during the day. 

With the unpopular president still firmly, if inertly, ensconced in the
Kremlin, disaffected Russians have little recourse but to continue their
public outcry as an early winter descends on the crisis-stricken country. 

The massive pay arrears owed to the public sector were exacerbated by
August's economic collapse that triggered rampant inflation, melted away
savings and drastically lowered living standards. 

Public anger over the country's dire economic straits failed to generate
the sweeping results promised by the organizers of Wednesday's protests. 

Trade unions said 10 million people took part in the strikes Wednesday,
which, if correct, would fall far short of Zyuganov's expectations of 40

Zyuganov himself shocked observers Wednesday by opting not to address a
Moscow rally, indicating a possible split in the leadership of the protest
movement. Independent trade union leader Mikhail Shmakov, who organized the
protest, also failed to claim victory in a television interview late
Wednesday evening. 

While Communists, trades unions and Kremlin spokesmen quibbled over sharply
varying figures, analysts agreed that Wednesday's protests were
nevertheless one of the largest public attacks ever on Yeltsin's rocky
presidency. ( (c) 1998 Agence France Presse) 

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