At 22:09 10/12/98 -0600, you wrote:
>On Fri, December 11, 1998 at 14:52:46 (+1100) Ajit Sinha writes:
>>I have been reading Wittgenstein's PHILOSOPHICAL INVESTIGATIONS as a
>>preparation for my work on "Sraffa's method". This is probably the most
>>remarkable book I have ever read. I think you must read it sometime. ...
>Noam Chomsky, *Knowledge of Language: Its Nature, Origin, and Use*
>(Praeger, 1986) has extended comment on Wittgenstein that you might
>find of interest.

Thank you Bill! I'll definitely take a look at it. My sense is that Chomsky
and Wittgenstein would be incompatible. As a matter of fact, once young
Chomsky was invited by someone to King's College High Table dinner, and
Sraffa happened to be, as usual, having dinner there as well. It is known
that Sraffa was considerably annoyed by some of Chomsky's statemts. I don't
know the details of the exchange, which I would like to know. If anybody
has Chomsky's e-mail address please pass it on to me, I'll try to get the
story if he still remembers. Cheers, ajit sinha

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