Hang in there Jim! It all sounds so familiar! ajit sinha

At 11:42 11/12/98 -0500, you wrote:
>Dear Friends,
>I just received a memo from our illustrious Interim Vice-President of
>Instruction who has reviewed the e-mails I was ordered to turn over at
risk of
>dismissal from employment for refusal to turn them over, and he, a music
>teacher/administrator wannabe, has determined that my e-mails are personal
>not in accordance with the "business" of  Clark College. Apparently, the
>"business" of Clark College is not ideas and education or indeed even the
>touted campus-wide abilities (Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Effective
>Citizenship, Information/Technology Awareness, Global/Multicultural
>Perspectives, Communication and Life-long Learning), it is most certainly not
>freedom of speech (except for insider toadies and sycophants), rather the
>"business" of Clark College is landscape, architecture (with the names of
>illustrious adminstrators on them), lots of paperwork from meaningless
>committees producing meaningless stuff from meaningless insiders, and of
>course, big offices for megalomanical administrators with very big
>egos--without portfolio.
>So because there is no professional reason for a professor of economics to be
>writing to pen-l, I have been ordered not to use the campus system to
wirte or
>respond to pen-l. Because there is no professional reason for the Advisor of
>the Native American Student Club to be reading and writing on  Sovernet-l, or
>Warriornet or to be communicating with the Blackfoot Reservation at Browning,
>I am barred from using campus computers to write to them and other Indians on
>the net. Because there is no relationship between any of the forementioned
>"campus-wide abilities"--especially Effective Citizenship amd
>Global/Multicultural Perspectives--and reading or writing about or doing
>activism dealing with Genocide or Indian Sovereignty or Racism, I am barred
>from using campus resources to be in contact with a host of international
>sources on those subjects.
>All of this comes from administrators who could not pass even my first
exam in
>an Intro Course in Economics presuming to know what my "professional
>responsibilities" and subjects of coverage are as a teacher of economics and
>practicing economist. This order has never been given in the history of Clark
>College--even to one faculty member caught and cited by the State Ethics
>Committe (where they still threaten to take my e-mails--please do, I really
>hope they do) downloading child pornography and even soliciting pornographic
>polaroids from children according to press accounts and the Washington State
>Patrol who went through his computer (only after a warrant was obtained--and
>subsequently blown which is why he got off of criminal charges). And even
>after being written up in the Campus Newspaper for work on Residential
>and with solicitous e-mails from the College President Dr. Hasart encouraging
>my work on Indian Issues, apparently now, my contact with a long list of
>listservs and scholars and activists is not consistent with my "professional
>responsibilities" or the "business" of Clark College.
>So Michael, would you please sign me up at this address:
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]? And all who care to write me, please use this address
>instead of my Clark address.
>This of course is only the beginning. The more wreckless the administration
>gets, the more they reveal their true intentions and their weaknesses. I for
>one will comply with every order (according to the order I could not even use
>the campus computer to contact pen-l to notify pen-l not to contact me at the
>College) and, in the principles of Akido, their wreckless, arrogant and
>fascistic contempt for due process, freedom of speech, academic freedom,
>own campus-wide abilities and my own professional responsibilities will only
>reveal them for what they are and what they intend--and will, thus, become a
>counter-force against them.
>Because many (not all ) administrators are typically sycophants, narcissists,
>megalomaniacs, control/power freaks and intellectually/life experience
>challenged, they invariably sew the seeds of their own destruction. This was
>the case of the past Dean who was finally turfed out (a close friend of this
>present Interim Vice-President) with a relatively good reference (at least
>that did not tell all) and a baldface--lie cover story as to why he was
>leaving. Typical at many institutions I suspect.
>For all who have sent their kind letters of support, I will now contact you
>individually to give my heartfelt thanks. I will of course fight this and it
>is very clear that it is but another atttempt to set up an insubordination
>situation or cause me to go unstable mentally--to be used to facilitate
>dismissal. The good news is that these pathetic souls are so dumb, they use
>the same Modus Operandi over and over and thus reveal "patterns" of behavior
>of themselves--very useful in a wide legal discovery net--more than
>revealing--or even engineering--patterns of behavior on my part that may be
>useful to them.
>Again thanks to all for your support and most of all for teaching me about so
>many things I need to know to be a competent teacher and practicioner of
>economics---and activist.
>Jim Craven
>Louis Proyect

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