You should know that it is the very superior efficiency
of the Canadian single desk system of the wheat board
that completely discredits the neo-cons (and Charles
Mueler on the PKT net) and which requires these economists,
(including my colleagues) to rail against the marketing
system -- simply because it works, and works well and more
efficiently that the private enterprise system.  I used to
teach the seminars in ag ec on the marketing boards because
there was no one in the ag ec department at the U of M who knew
enough about them to teach it -- and they wouldn't learn because
the marketing boards produced superior results to open markets
and since that was contrary to neoclassical ideology, it must
necessarily be wrong.  The wheat board has had its failings,
though moderate ones I would argue, but on the whole it has
been a great benefit to the Canadian farmer for over half a
 century.  That is the essense of the beef of the American
farmers.  They can't have a wheat board because the cappos
won't let them.
  As to Jims complaints about Indian exports -- sorry Jim, but
I can't support an interpretation of aboriginal rights that
serves a small (and I would argue, questionable) economic
interest at the expense  of the rest of rural society.

Paul Phillips,
University of Manitoba.

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