Jim Devine wrote:

>I detect irony in the word "wondrous," indicating that you don't 
>approve of the changes. As Dave Richardson pointed out, however, 
>the lower inflation rates that came out of the CPI revision is not 
>all bad. If St. Alan sees a smaller dragon, he's less likely to 
>lance the economy to death.

I care less about what the index does for St Alan's worldview than 
its accuracy. The only revisions that the Boskin commission or the 
BLS considered were ones that lowered the CPI. And the use of hedonic 
price measures on computers and other gadgets is pretty close to 
mystical. The change, which ripples through the national income 
accounts, has the effect of boosting growth rates, especially 
estimates of real investment, to almost implausible levels.

James Medoff & Andrew Harless have an interesting critique of the 
effects of the hedonic technique in the May 26 issue of Grant's 
Interest Rate Observer.


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