Max.  There s no doctrine of infinite resources for any specific
resource, but since substitutes always exist there is an implict

Max Sawicky wrote:

> I don't think this is true of neo-classical econ, namely
> there is no doctrine of infinite resources that I recall
> from the course in resources that I took.

Nicholas Georgescu-Rogen was anti-marxist, but used quite a bit of
Marx.  His important contribution was to realize that production took
place in time through using stocks.  This allowed him to make strong
statements about resources.  He was probably the first economist to use
the concepts of entropy and hysteresis.

> I wonder if anyone is familiar with Nicholas Georgescu-Rogin (sp?).
> He was brought to my dept to give a seminar way back in '81 or
> so and seemed to have a similar take on all this, albeit at a
> very high level of mathematical abstraction.  He was of Romanian
> extraction, I think, and flipped everyone out by talking about
> constant, fixed, and variable capital.
> mbs


Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929
fax 530-898-5901

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