     Gosh!  Wow!  Am I ever glad that you raised that 
issue!  Louis!  Behave yourself!  The next time you report 
on a conference, don't drink so much and attend more 
sessions!  (Are you happy now, Jerry?)
Barkley Rosser
On Sun, 17 Jan 1999 07:32:08 -0500 (EST) Gerald Levy 

> Proyect on his participation at the December 1996 Rethinking Marxism
> conference in Amherst:
> > At the opening night's reception, I downed 3 scotches in rapid
> > succession to put me in the proper frame of mind for the opening
> > session.
> He then went on to make a comment in the discussion period at the plenary
> which he describes, no doubt accurately, as "my drunken tirade".
> Then, rather than attending the plenary where Judith Butler spoke, he says
> that he:
> > remained in my hotel room reading a history of coffee production in
> > Central America.
> For those unfamiliar with this affair, let me refresh your memory:
> 1) On an Internet list, Proyect denounces the conference in the harshest
> possible terms based only his reading of the conference schedule.
> 2) Proyect then decides to go to the conference anyway, having agreed to
> report on the conference for the German journal _Sozializm_.
> We already knew that his reportage could hardly be considered impartial
> and unbiased. Now we see that he was either not attending the very
> sessions that he claimed to be reporting on or was engaged in a "drunken
> tirade".
> Why has there been so much discussion about the "Social Text affair" and
> so little discussion about this fraud?
> Jerry

Rosser Jr, John Barkley

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