I do not need to apologize for my posts on the Harvard Trade Union Program since
my remarks are not attacks, but merely observations of the institutional
contradictions of the arrangement.
No remarks were made by me on the people involved in the program.
It would be more progress, however, if the program were to use the term
industrial union rather than trade union in describing itself.

Henry C.K. Liu

"Ellen T. Frank" wrote:

> I apologize for any criticism of Elaine Barnard and the Harvard Trade Union
> Program  that some may have inferred from my earlier post (meant
> humorously!).  Elaine Barnard is a terrific person, a wonderful speaker and
> superb organizer.
> My comment about the HTUP derived from a talk Elaine gave a few years back
> in which she said, I believe, that Harvard understands power and needs to
> keep an eye on a potentially powerful enemy.  She also pointed out the huge
> disparity between Harvard's funding of labor (a few rooms in Harvard Square
> for Elaine and a tiny staff) and its funding of capital (the B-school).
>  On the subject of accepting succor from capital, let me share a brief
> anecdote.  I heard a talk recently of an ex-nun, now a feminist and
> extremely hostile to the Catholic church, who nevertheless teaches religion
> at a Catholic college.  She was asked why she remained there,  why, since
> she disagreed with Catholic doctrine, she bothered even engaging in
> theological disputes with the church. She replied that she would not be
> driven out and leave the old men in control of all the resources and wealth.
>         Ellen Frank

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