
the problem is that many of my students do seem interested.  and i do
agree that the quiz is pretty pathetic.  but i used to read 2000 papers
a term, with rewrites and lots more interest on my part.  it did not
seem to make much difference, and i just cannot physically do this
anymore.  beleive me over the years i have used films, games, speakers,
you name it.


William S. Lear wrote:
> On Wed, February 10, 1999 at 19:14:12 (-0500) Michael Yates writes:
> >                           ... I have to say that the level of
> >illiteracy and general stupidity seems to be rising among students. the
> >most basic words are unknown to them, and they never bother to look them
> >up.  I have to continually check myself when I am about to use a word I
> >know that they should understand but do not.
> Solution?: write up a dictionary of all the terms that you will use.
> Give it to them on the first day.
> >       On a recent quiz someone said that the name of Adam Smith's famous book
> >was "Rivethead."!!  this after at least a dozen mentions of "The Wealth
> >of Nations." ...
> Not to be too critical, especially at a distance, but perhaps you
> should take part of the blame.  This at least has the virtue of
> providing an avenue from the despair you seem to be drifting towards,
> because you can then work on something close to fix, rather than
> trying to fix the students' problems, which are more remote.
> It sounds to me as if your examples are a bit on the rote-ish side of
> things.  If the students fill in "Rivethead" for "Wealth of Nations",
> that's pretty sad, but why are you asking them this?  This sounds like
> a very good measure of how much interest the kids have in the subject,
> not how stupid they are.  Perhaps you could alter your teaching a bit
> --- I mean if today's kids are even less prepared, perhaps traditional
> methods, or whatever elements of traditional methods you use, could be
> rethought.  Perhaps try making economics fun, or meaningful, on their
> terms --- I mean, who cares if Adam Smith wrote "Wealth of Nations" or
> "Rivethead" or "Gunga Din"?  Perhaps try interviewing some of the kids
> to find out why they wrote some of these outrageous things (Did you
> just not care?  Were you bored?).
> The most important thing for a teacher is to develop the natural
> curiosity of the students.  You have to reach deep for this one,
> especially in a subject as potentially boring as economics.  I have
> always thought that having the students act out, in a sort of play,
> different types of roles that illustrate what you are talking about,
> would be a good learning mechanism for economics.  Take, say, the
> creation of money.  You could have students form different entities:
> The Treasury, Banks, Farmers, Consumers, etc.  Then, the directions of
> the play would have the Farmer go for a loan to the bank, etc.
> Someone could be in charge of counting all the money that exists (you
> could give stop/start directions to the actors, "OK, everybody stop,
> Counter, go count the money").  Someone could write on the chalkboard
> when money was destroyed (reflux!), etc.
> Or another game might be to have a small society that buys and sells
> different colors of apples (or Mountain Dews, or Snowboards, etc.).
> Each group of students would have different apples (etc.) and would
> buy and sell with the other groups.  You could illustrate the MV = PT
> identity.  You could have several runs where V varied, etc.  You could
> calculate GDP, etc.  This society could be combined with the banking
> society, etc.
> Or, how about watching the Wizard of Oz in class one day?  Discuss
> with them the Gold Standard and why Baum was writing the things he
> did...  Relate this to why the PT = MV equation holds such interest
> for people who wanted (and want) tight money, etc.  This might pique
> interest in general...
> Or, give them a book by Noam Chomsky discussing how the rich are
> screwing the rest of us (e.g., *Class Warfare*).  Or, get a tape from
> David Barsamian and edit it for class, play it, then discuss it.  Try
> to motivate them to *want* to learn this stuff from the first day.  It
> might just get them interested enough in the economics if you show the
> political side of the game and how consciously it is played by elite
> groups --- might also be worth it to explore some of Tom Ferguson's
> work on how the wealthy and corporations dominate, and have always
> dominated, the political system, and how our Constitution was written
> to give them this advantage over the rest of us.
> Read William Lazonick's essay "The Anglo-Saxon Corporate System" in
> the book *The Corporate Triangle* --- not terribly difficult, you
> could even perhaps summarize it yourself to cut down on length, then
> go on a field trip to a factory to see for yourself.  Go to a bank.
> Go to the Federal Reserve branch...  Go to an EPA office to see how
> much pollution industries are letting off, and how much they pay
> relative to their annual profits in fines and purchases of pollution
> credits.
> Or, have a union member or activist, or Michael Perelman, or Doug
> Henwood, or Paul Newman or Ed Asner (make some phone calls) come in to
> talk to the kids.  Let them know what unions are for.  Get political,
> man!
> Finally, by all means, don't tackle this alone.  Call in outside help
> on this.  Not just from other economists, but from teachers who have
> had success in getting kids interested in the broad scope of subjects
> in order to teach sometimes messy/boring details.  Try reading Nancy
> Eisenberg and Paul H. Mussen's *The Roots of Prosocial Behavior in
> Children* (Cambridge University Press, 1989) to see if you get any
> ideas from it.
> But, this is just random thoughts.  I'd say you have a tough job on
> your hands, and my sympathy.
> Bill

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