From World Soicialist Web Site
               WSWS : Workers Struggles : North America

               America's workplaces--among
               the deadliest in the
               industrialized world

               By Jerry White
               13 February 1999

               The February 1 tragedy at the Ford Rouge complex
               in Michigan highlights what is a growing and
               pervasive problem. On average 17 workers are
               fatally injured at work every day in the US.
               Annually more than 6,000 workers are killed and
               another 50,000 to 60,000 workers die from
               occupational diseases. In addition, 7 million
               workers are injured on the job each year.

               According to the latest available figures from the
               National Census of Fatal Occupational injuries,
               6,218 workers were killed in 1997, up from 6,112 the
               year before. The largest portion of deaths (22
               percent) involved workers killed in job-related
               highway crashes, including truck drivers and
               others who operate motor vehicles. Deaths from
               on-the-job falls, railway crashes, and being caught
               in running equipment, such as manufacturing and
               agricultural machinery, all reached a six-year high
               in 1997.

               The US ranks worst in workplace injuries
               compared with 15 other industrialized countries. It
               has the highest occupational injury rate and trails
               10 other nations with a fatality rate of 5.9 deaths
               for every 100,000 workers. Great Britain and the
               Netherlands reported job death rates of 1.1 for every
               100,000 workers.

               Norway invests the most money on job safety and
               health activities--about $11.36 for every citizen. By
               contrast, the US spends only about $1 per citizen
               on worker safety programs. Only two countries
               surveyed spend less. Great Britain reports having
               more workplace health and safety inspectors than
               any of the 15 nations studied--one inspector for
               every 2,354 workers. America was second to last
               with one inspector for every 54,435 workers.

               More than 60 percent--281,000 reported cases--of
               the reported workplace illnesses in 1997 involved
               repetitive motion injuries, particularly in the auto
               manufacturing, meatpacking, apparel and poultry
               industries. Tens of thousands of workers also
               became ill from exposure to harmful chemicals.

               In 1971 the US government enacted the
               Occupational Safety and Health Act. Though
               extremely limited, the law subjected most private
               employers, for the first time in US history, to safety
               inspections and penalties for violations. Prior to its
               enactment there was little to compel employers to
               even report on job injuries and deaths. According
               to some estimates over 187,000 lives have been
               saved and millions of injuries prevented because of
               these elemental protections.

               The current OSHA law still does not cover 8.1
               million state and local government employees.
               Although these public employees encounter the
               same hazards as private sector workers, in 27
               states they are not provided with protection under

               From the time of enactment, however, these
               regulations were bitterly opposed by big business.
               Over the last few years a number of bills have been
               introduced in Congress to make compliance with
               the federal Occupational Safety and Health Act
               standards voluntary, limit OSHA standards, and
               cut funding for safety training by 90 percent.

               The Occupational Safety and Health
               Administration's current budget is $336.7 million.
               This is less in real dollar terms than the 1975
               budget, although the nation's work force has
               grown by nearly 50 million.

               There are only 2,140 federal and state OSHA
               inspectors responsible for enforcing the law at
               more than 7 million workplaces. At its current
               staffing and inspection levels, it would take federal
               OSHA 109 years to inspect each workplace under
               its jurisdiction just once.

               In many cases even when OSHA inspections occur
               they are largely ceremonial. Management is well
               informed when an inspection is expected, and
               penalties are nominal. Serious violations, defined
               as posing a substantial probability of death or
               serious physical harm to workers, carry an
               average penalty of only $681. Wyoming has the
               lowest average penalty for serious violations at
               $125, while the highest average is Delaware's at

               Even when large penalties are imposed for blatant
               violations, OSHA has quietly allowed companies to
               negotiate settlements of considerably lesser
               amounts. During the late 1980s, in 24 examples of
               OSHA "megafines" totaling $29.3 million, the
               agency accepted settlements of $9.5 million,
               representing an average reduction of 67.5 percent.

               After six years of legal challenges, Ford Motor Co.
               agreed to pay a $750,000 fine to the federal
               government in August 1993 and to correct its
               record keeping on shop floor injuries and illnesses.
               The dispute dated back to 1987, when the OSHA
               cited several companies, including Ford, Chrysler,
               General Motors and Caterpillar, for deliberately
               concealing eye injuries, back strains and chemical
               exposures at its plants.

               Michigan, where the Ford Rouge complex is
               located, is one of 23 states that carries out its own
               inspections, rather than using federal inspectors.
               Between 1980 and 1998 the number of safety
               inspections carried out by the Michigan
               Occupational and Safety Administration fell by 73
               percent, from 21,046 to 5,778. MIOSHA has only
               42 inspectors to cover 216,000 workplaces in the
               state. Last year 1,273 industrial locations out of
               16,800 were inspected.

               In addition to the erosion of health and safety
               protections, over the last decade there have been
               widespread changes in state workers'
               compensation programs. These measures, pushed
               by the employers and the insurance companies,
               have reduced companies' payments and medical
               coverage to injured workers, restricted a victim's
               right to recover damages from negligent employers,
               and allowed employers to force injured workers
               back to the job as soon as possible.

               By 1990 state legislators in Michigan boasted that
               they had cut the average firm's workers'
               compensation costs by 26 percent from a decade
               earlier. Among the changes they instituted was a
               return-to-work provision requiring workers to
               accept any offer of "reasonable employment" and a
               stronger "exclusive remedy provision" that limits an
               injured worker to recover workers' compensation
               benefits alone for work-related injuries or illness.
               Other damage claims, including pain and
               suffering, could only be allowed if a worker could
               prove in court that an employer "specifically
               intended an injury.'"

               Michigan's changes also included a system
               allowing employers to "shop around" for the least
               expensive insurance carrier. By 1994 the state had
               fully privatized its workers' compensation system
               by selling it to private insurers such as Blue Cross
               & Blue Shield of Michigan.

               Nationally, according to the AFL-CIO, employer
               premium costs fell by at least $1 billion between
               1996 and 1997, while workers' compensation has
               become the most profitable line of insurance in the
               property/casualty field. At the same time disability
               payments for injured workers have declined in
               most states and lag far behind pre-injury wages.
               One recent study in California said that Permanent
               Partial Disability Benefits (PPD), which are
               supposed to compensate a worker for the economic
               loss, diminished wage earning capacity, or
               impairment resulting from a permanent, but not
               totally disabling condition, are just 40 to 50 percent
               of pre-injury income.

               See Also:
               Second victim of Ford Rouge explosion buried
               [13 February 1999]
               Gas buildup blamed for deadly explosion at
               Michigan power plant
               Second Ford Rouge worker dies
               [6 February 1999]

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