=====> With no intent to support or refute Louis in the issue
       he has just broached, I offer the following investigation,
       accessible in full - with a careful outline and many linked
       sub-files - at www.tiac.net/users/hcunn/witch/fellpress1.html


        Fells Acres day-care Ritual Abuse case and the Boston press
                   Copyright © 1997 by Hugo S. Cunningham
   Individual, non-commercial reproduction allowed, provided this notice
                                is retained.
                                18 Nov 1997
                             modified 30 Nov 97
               only minor modifications have been made since
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                  Fells Acres day-care Ritual Abuse case:
          Witch-bound Massachusetts needs a helping hand-- again!
   The Louise Woodward au-pair trial focused international attention on
   the Massachusetts criminal justice system. (She was convicted of
   second-degree murder on 30 Oct 97, reduced on appeal to "manslaughter"
   10 Nov 97.) Was justice done, or did prosecutorial zealots create a
   crime where none had existed? (Having missed two weeks of the trial, I
   plead neutrality.) Why did so many, some quite knowledgeable, assume
   the worst about justice in Middlesex County MA? After all, there was
   physical evidence in the Woodward case, even if its significance was
   hotly disputed.
   Much of this distrust stems from the Fells Acres ritual abuse case,
   where three totally innocent people drew horrendous (20- and 40-year)
   prison terms on nothing more than the testimony of toddlers who were
   repeatedly and coercively interviewed until they "disclosed" mythical
   abuse -- a 1980s version of the "spectral evidence" used in the 1692
   Salem witch trials. The prosecutor responsible has enjoyed political
   cover from a faction in one of our largest local newspapers, with a
   "tonton macoute" journalistic ethic.
   A 150-word summary of the case follows. For more detail, check the
   web-site references in Section 1 of the Appendix.
   Starting in 1984, the office of Middlesex County DA Scott Harshbarger
   announced that Violet Amirault, her daughter Cheryl Amirault LeFave,
   and her son Gerald Amirault, owners of the successful 20-year-old
   Fells Acres day-care center in Malden MA, had suddenly converted it
   into a factory of child pornography and the most horrifying ritual
   abuse of helpless toddlers. Juries were persuaded to convict the
   Amiraults in 1986 (Gerald) and 1987 (Violet and Cheryl), due
   exclusively to the coached testimony of 3- and 4-year old children. No
   physical evidence or adult witness for any of the charges was ever
   found, despite the fact that the day-care center had always been open
   to a steady stream of unannounced parents and tradesmen. Starting in
   1991, psychologists demonstrated how the leading questions used in
   cases like Fells Acres can brainwash child witnesses, but the
   Massachusetts legal establishment has, at least until very recently,
   proven extremely reluctant to correct a scandal.


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