>> I think this is Microsoft humor at work. It comes up with the
>> same response
>> if you type "I'd like to see all the gerbils die" and "I'd like
>> to see Bill Gates die" or "I'd like to be Gina Gershon."
>The choice of alternatives in this post should
>should be enough to occupy LBO for the next


If you type in: "Wouldn't it be interesting if people experimented a bit
before jumping to conclusions like "racism at Microsoft"? The computer
responds "wound."

If you type in: "Perhaps it is just jumping to the Thesaurus entry next in
alphabetical order to the phrase typed," the computer responds "periapt."

If you type in: "The only interesting question is 'Why is "I'll drink to
that" in the thesaurus?'," the computer responds "the upper house."

If you type in: "I'll drink to that," the computer responds "salutation
with a drink" and further suggests:

bottoms up
to your health
I drink to you


Brad DeLong

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