At 12:47 AM 2/10/99 -0500, Jim Craven wrote:
>The "Indians" are not saying give it all back and get out. What is being said
>is that the rape even continues in addition to the lies and cover-ups of the
>past. "Development", a euphemism for predatory malignant capitalism, needs,
>feeds on and intensifies "underdevelopment" and all of its ugly features and
>consequences. Last year, for example, on a list of 73 US
>toxic waste dumps, 72 were Indian Reservations. Right now, the US's largest
>storage facility for aged and increasingly unstable nerve gas and other
>chemical warfare weapons is at the Umatilla Reservation in Hermiston
>Oregon--with no evacuation plan despite $25 million supposedly devoted to
>a plan.

I do not think the Soviet wre any different in that respect - they simply
let the steamroller of industrialization run over local cultures.  That,
BTW, was not necessarily a bad thing, for it often broke the local
feudal-religious institutions and helped integration of the working class.
Again, I am with Rosa Luxemburg on the question of local national identity
and interests.

I think your main grievance is not against capitalism/industrialization but
against  undermocratic process of politcal decision making that excludes
groups with little political clout.  These are two separate things.  It is
possible to have a fully democratic society in which no group is excluded
from decision making (in such cases toxic waste would have to shipped
overseas, as more democratic Western Europeans do) and still exploiting
itself by capitalist accumulation.



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