> Date:          Sat, 06 Feb 1999 04:21:00 -0600 (CST)
> From:          valis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject:       [PEN-L:2990] re Enived wave, et al
> To:            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Reply-to:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> Jim D, rebutting someone, in part:
> > >... Day and Walter are more concerned with the much longer wave 
> > >(300 years) theory of "la duree" due to Fernand Braudel,...
> > 
> > This reminds me of the 3000 year Enived cycle, of which the Braudel cycle
> > is but a small fraction. We are currently 500 years into "phase B" of the
> > Enived Wave, which implies that we have 1000 more years of decline in front
> > of us. 
> Quite a revelation for this peon.  Does the presumed Dr Enived hold 
> the title, or are there wave theories that push to the very portal  
> of geological time?

The 26 million year mass extinction cycle is a candidate.

>  Of what practical application?
>                                                               valis

Watch the skies.

I'd like to call this the Hguonodcm cycle but others have got there 
first.  Besides its unpronouncable.

By the way,  it seems to me perfectly possible to construct an 
isopleasure curve trading off meat and motion and consequently the 
slope of your budget constraint would determine whether it was 
(mostly) the meat or the motion.

Terry McDonough

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