Tom K. writes:>>I tremble; people here I mention it to shrug, as if to say
"what can you
>>expect from gringos"?

Doug H. writes: >As in, "what can you expect of a country that can kill a
million in Iraq or
>three million in Indochina and not think twice about it?"

It sure fits with Alex Cockburn's view that war encourages internal
violence. If we think of Clinton as a role model, then we should not only
immediately start fooling around with our interns but also should use
high-tech violence to solve the problems of our lives. The trenchcoat mafia
must have picked up on the latter, since they had no interns to fool around

Make love, not war.

BTW, there was a letter to the LA TIMES a couple of days ago that said:
doing strategic bombing without sending in ground troops is like smoking
without inhaling. 

Bombing DESTROYS human rights. US/NATO out of Serbia!

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