On Saturday, April 24, 1999 at 23:26:55 (-0500) Ken Hanly writes:
>Robin Cook apparently bristles at the idea that NATO is engaged in a
>counter-propaganda campaign. He claims that NATO is only interested in
>getting the truth to the Serbian people. Is he an actor or what? ...

Alex Cockburn had a good bit on truth and history during wartime
several years ago:

     Journalism annuls history, never more so than in war, where it
     promotes a depthless present, most tragicomically in television
     "coverage," the reporters --- actors in fact --- having mostly as
     little relationship to reality as the Greek chorus in the
     *Agamemnon* debating among themselves what Clytemnestra is up to
     ("Is that a noise I hear?") as she hacks the King to death.

     ---Alexander Cockburn, *The Nation*, February 18, 1991

>I include a piece on the reaction of journalists. It doesn't seem to
>be front page news.

Very interesting piece.  Could you please just send the URL for it
next time, instead of attaching it?



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