Tom Walker wrote:

> Ken Hanly asked,
> >How can intelligent people come up with such
> >mindless uncritical drivel and Pavlovian reactions?
> That's a rhetorical question. Don't you just love it when somebody answers a
> rhetorical question? The answer to this question requires rephrasing the
> redundent expression "intelligent people". People are intelligent animals.
> That is, people ARE intelligent, by definition.

I want to branch from the immediate topic of this thread to comment on
the extremely bad habit of using terms for intelligence as though they
were moral or political categories. I want to really agree *strongly* with
Tom's point that people are intelligent by definition. The actual differences
in intelligence among people are really almost infinitesimal, and every time
I hear of the populace being called stupid for having bad taste or bad
politics or bad this or that I cringe.

And while I'm at it it, I think it stupid to use the term apathetic as a
(implicitly) moral condemnation rather than as a simple observation
on the really intelligent response of people to the situation they find
themselves in under capitalism. It is intelligent not stupid to believe
one's leaders. It is intelligent not stupid to believe that things are as
good as they are probably going to get and that thrashing about will
only make them worse.

Those who by some kind of wild luck know that this is in fact terribly
false simply have no fucking right to ascribe this to their superior
intelligence or their superior moral fibre or their superior willingness
to go out and fight.

We really don't know why it is that every 25 to 75 years huge masses
of "ordinary people" suddenly move and move vigorously. Our theory
(or at least the theory of some of us) about what class conscious
minorities have to do when suddenly confronted with this wonderful
situation is quite developed. I think at this level Lenin did a much better
job than most even Leninists credit him with doing.

What most Leninists and anti-leninists don't credit him with doing is
recognizing so sharply and powerfully how his particular theories about
vanguards etc. were totally helpless to *create* the situation or conditions
under which they became relevant. The habit of calling people stupid
or apathetic is simply a symptom of ignorance concerning what it is
that brings about these recurrent but unpredictable upsurges that
suddenly make all the sophisticated political theory relevant.

Mao really was right. Trust the People. In the meantime, just because
we don't know what causes that trust to all of a sudden bear fruit, we
have to keep plugging along, thrinking and trying to trigger struggles
and talking to each other.

This is a leap, but with some intervening links missing, these are some
of the reasons why I have lost interest in listening to those who try
to defend NATO's actions. I'm only interested in listening to those
who share the recognition that NATO is to be opposed and recognize
that our function is not to debate about that topic like students in a seminar
room but consult and reconsult with each other on various ways in which
we just might accidentally strike the right spark that will start a prairie


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