>As often we have taken a detour, this time into the Smith Act.
>Bottom line is, did the SWP encourage workers to serve in the
>armed forces to fight the Axis, or not?  If not, as I've said
>before, that was a honorable position but debatable, especially
>with the benefit of hindsight.

Of course they did. Jimmy Kutscher had his legs blown off during a German

>Later in the post, after bloviating about "freedom of speech"
>(another of the lost M-L virtues, yuk yuk) and vampirism, we get:
>> Ironically, during WWII CPUSA leaders took the same stance as
>Max does today. They identified the interests of the workers with
>the war aims of the
>superrich. >
>This was slander then and it is now, though I would criticize
>what I understand to have been the CP's support for repression of
>left critics of the war by the U.S. govt.  This bit them on the
>ass later.
>Then we get an apologia for Japanese militarism/imperialism,
>which I submit was *worse* than the U.S., tho the comparison of
>the US-UK with the Nazis is much more stark:
>> US soldiers died by the tens of thousands in the Pacific
>theater to make the region safe for rubber, oil, banking,
>construction, railroad and shipping companies. We resented
>another vulture--Japan--picking at the flesh of China, the
>Philippines, and other of our post-1898 conquests. >
>Finally we get close to the point:
>> Furthermore, the SWP advocated a revolutionary armed struggle
>Hitler modeled on the Spanish Civil War popular militias. They
>argued that
>armies under ruling-class leadership with their officer corps
>would not be
>as effective as those under working-class control. >
>Sounds like refusal to serve to me.  As a confirmed
>induction-dodger (I was drafted but classified 1-Y), I would not
>criticize the refusal on moral grounds.  I would, with the
>benefit of hindsight, say it was the wrong decision.  Louis has
>the benefit of hindsight too, but seems to make little use of it.
>The idea of workers' militias as a substitute for the Allied
>Expeditionary Forces is an agreeable fantasy, nothing more.

Louis Proyect


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