I got this off of Johnson's Russia List.

Moscow Times
April  1, 1999 
DEFENSE DOSSIER: NATO Joins Balkan Sinners 
By Pavel Felgenhauer 

After a week of war in the Balkans, with thousands of people killed,
wounded or displaced, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the
Yugoslav military have reached a bloody military stalemate. NATO bombs
Yugoslavia at will, while the Serbs are equally free to hit and molest the
Kosovo Albanians in any way they choose.  

NATO has easily achieved full air supremacy. French Army Chief of Staff
Jean-Pierre Kelche nicely summed up the situation: "NATO controls the
airspace and the Serbian air force no longer has any coordinated or
sophisticated capacity to oppose the alliance."  

Of course, that was an easy shot. The Yugoslav air force had no more than
10 battle-ready MiG-29s to repulse more than 400 modern NATO warplanes. The
 Yugoslavs also had an antiquated air defense system made up of obsolete
1970s-vintage Soviet-made SAM missiles.  

It was obvious from the very beginning that the Serbs did not have the
slightest chance of standing up to NATO in the air and would be lucky to
down a single enemy warplane. NATO military planners, of course, knew that
in advance. Nevertheless, the Western military chiefs deliberately puffed
up the Yugoslav military capabilities during the run up to the war so that
Kelche and other high brass could issue glorious victory communiques

NATO military spokesmen also say that their bombs have severely maimed the
Yugoslav military's lines of communication. But these announcements sound
hollow, especially when the same NATO spokesmen say that the ethnic
cleansing in Kosovo is "well planned and organized." If that is really so,
what "lines of communication" did the NATO bombers really cut, if any? Or
perhaps NATO is providing Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic with an
easy explanation for the Kosovo cleansing: local commanders went berserk
and could not be stopped from Belgrade because NATO bombs cut the lines of
command and control?  

The inconsistency of NATO's communiques is most likely a sign of growing
panic. Politically and strategically NATO is losing its first real war.
Apparently Western military and political leaders actually believed the
Serbs would cave in after several cruise missile volleys. Sources in
Washington say that Western prewar intelligence reports from Yugoslavia
indicated that Milosevic was losing control, that the Yugoslav military did
 not like Milosevic because he was spending money to beef up his special
police force and not the army and that if Milosevic dragged Serbia into a
war with NATO, the Yugoslav military would disobey orders or possibly even

Western diplomats in Moscow also told me that they expected the tiny
republic of Montenegro - which, together with Serbia, comprises rump
Yugoslavia - would use NATO bombing to rebel and secede. If such a
secession took place, Milosevic would simply forget about Kosovo.  

Of course, nothing of the sort happened. But Western diplomats were so
sure Milosevic would either cave in or be overthrown that, during the
Rambouillet peace talks, they threatened to use force against the Serbs if
they rejected a peace plan that would in effect lead to Kosovo's total
independence after a three-year interim autonomy period under NATO military

Western arrogance made the Serbs rally behind their president even before
the bombings began. Serbia turned out to be not a "failed state," but a
nation ready to fight the strongest military alliance in the world to
defend its land and its freedom from foreign occupation.  

NATO's military aggression has triggered an ethnic cleansing in Kosovo
that the West does not seem to be able to stop. The only counteraction NATO
 is now planning is an escalation of bombing. The NATO supreme commander,
General Wesley Clark, has sought political authorization to hit "military"
targets in downtown Belgrade. A senior U.S. official said Clark's request
has "100 percent support" from U.S. President Bill Clinton's

The U.S. military has certainly recovered from the post-Vietnam syndrome.
There they go again - planning to bomb a sovereign nation back to the Stone
 Age if it does not accept a U.S.-imposed partition of its territory.  

There are millions of innocent war victims in the Balkans, but not a
single innocent warring party. NATO has now joined the club. The Serbs are
committing atrocities in Kosovo, while NATO bombers are committing other
atrocities all over Yugoslavia. At any future peace conference, senior U.S.
 officials and Milosevic will truly be able to shake hands as equals.  

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