The San Jose Mercury News                       Friday, May 28, 1999



        President Clinton should be ashamed of the attacks on civilians

        Admittedly, the line separating the justifiable from the 
inexcusable in NATO's bombing of Yugoslavia is not clear. But 
wherever it is, we crossed it this week. 
        We got into this nasty little war to save innocent civilians in 
Kosovo. Now we are punishing innocent civilians in Serbia.
        This is no longer just the occasional bomb or missile gone 
accidentally astray, although that continues as well; an 8-year-old 
boy and his 5-year-old sister died Thursday when NATO bombed 
their home in a Belgrade suburb. Now, however, such accidents 
occur in the context of a cynical, calculated campaign by NATO to 
victimize the entire civilian population -- to make life such hell for 
them that they turn against their elected president, Slobodan 
        By all accounts, it is not working. ''Reduced to a 'Caveman' 
Life, Serbs Don't Blame Milosevic,'' a Page 1 headline in the New 
York Times said Tuesday.
        The story quoted a Serbian woman who had worked for the 
American embassy in Belgrade. She is 64, and remembers the city 
being bombed by the Nazis and the Allies in World War II.
        ''If NATO wants to overturn the government, this is not the way 
to do it,'' she said. ''I am absolutely certain this will not make people 
revolt against their government -- they will revolt against whoever 
is doing this to them. NATO is terrorizing 6 million civilians in 
large cities in Yugoslavia. Making people's lives miserable is not 
solving any problem.''
        Other Serbs say the same: far from loosening Milosevic's hold 
on the nation, the bombing solidifies his power and makes it 
impossible for others to oppose him.
        Now, in the heaviest bombing yet, NATO has targeted Serbia's 
electric power grids, blacking out much of the country. That had 
been done before. But this time the damage is more devastating and 
less easily repaired. Without electricity, water pumping stations and 
filtration plants don't work. Hospitals cannot bathe patients or 
sterilize instruments. In private homes, scarce food is spoiling in 
        Cold, dirty, thirsty and hungry, the Serbs are pleading with the 
United Nations and other international agencies to intervene.
        Officially, NATO still says it is bombing military targets. But 
this week senior military officials admitted they also want to 
damage the quality of everyday life for the people of Serbia. 
        Bill Clinton should be ashamed. He began this war by promising 
that the bombing would be confined to military targets, and that 
ground troops would not be used. Steadily, little by little, those 
assurances are eroding. NATO has authorized 50,000 soldiers, 
calling them ''peacekeepers.'' Obviously they could also fight. 
        Clinton and other NATO leaders are frustrated that the air war 
hasn't succeeded, and they are stung by criticism that they 
undermined its effectiveness by taking ground war off the table. 
Now, they are putting it back on.
        At the same time, they are intensifying the bombing. NATO 
now has 1,000 planes over Yugoslavia, about 700 of them ours. 
The bombing goes around the clock, up to 500 missions a day. 
Thursday it began to hit suburbs around Belgrade.
        This week also brought the indictment of Slobodan Milosevic as 
a war criminal, which he surely is. But whatever impact that might 
have had on Serb civilians is overwhelmed by their conviction that 
NATO is committing war crimes against them. 
        This war has taken a subtle but sure turn for the worse. 
President Clinton's earlier denials that we were at war with the 
Serbian people apparently are ''no longer operative,'' as Richard 
Nixon would have put it. We are destroying Yugoslavia, little by 
little, day by day.
        Our side began this war with a moral imperative. This week we 
lost it, somewhere in the skies over Belgrade.

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