I am applying for some grant money from the State of Utah to
teach two "High Technology" courses on the internet.  One is
my undergraduate course reading Marx's Capital which I have
been teaching now for several years, to be taught in the
Fall 2000.  The other, in the Spring 2001, is a graduate
follow-up seminar about Marx's method which will be mainly
based on Bhaskar's Critical Realism and Dialectical Critical
Realism (just as my interpretations of *Capital* for the
undergraduate class have greatly benefited from CR and DCR).
I am trying to get money to scan in Bhaskar's "Dialectic,
the Pulse of Freedom" for this second course (hoping that
Bhaskar will give me copyright permission to put it up on
the web).  For this second course I'd like to invite others
so that we can have an international seminar about Marx's
method from a CR/DCR perspective, with students
participating and getting credit at several Universities.
Is anyone on this list interested in such a cooperative
venture?  If so, please contact me.  The present grant
proposal is on my web site at
<http://www.econ.utah.edu/ehrbar/heti.pdf>.  If you contact
me in the next day or two, I could say something about this
in the proposal (which is due this Thursday), but mainly
this email is a trial baloon to see if there is interest in
such a thing at all.

Hans Ehrbar

Hans G. Ehrbar                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Economics Department, University of Utah     (801) 581 7797 (my office)
1645 E. Central Campus Dr. Front             (801) 581 7481 (econ office)
Salt Lake City    UT 84112-9300              (801) 585 5649 (FAX)

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