I am one of the many on this list who has
yet to figure out what on earth was racist about
Max's original play on Henry's name.  However, 
once it was clear that Henry objected for whatever
reasons to having his name fooled around with,
it was inappropriate for Max to do it some more.
      Max has withdrawn I believe partly out of 
exhaustion.  After all, with Nathan laying low, Max
has been the sole defender of the war in Yugoslavia
on this list, or at least the sole open such defender.
I think it got to him and I think he resented being 
called "evil" by Henry.  I have encouraged him off
list to return after a suitable cooling off period.  I
don't know if he will or not.
      I remain opposed to the bombing.  But I would
remind people on this list that it is unwise to be too
self-righteous about all this.  We may sneer at all the
self-styled progressives who are supporting the bombing.
But it is a serious position and they are not all doing it
to kiss somebody's derrriere or to win favors or positions
in the US Congress, or whatever.  There are a lot of people
who see the trains and the refugees and think, "Holocaust."
That this is not an appropriate analogy is for us to convince
them of, not to presume that such an analogy is automatically
idiotic or immoral.
Barkley Rosser
-----Original Message-----
Date: Monday, May 03, 1999 11:40 PM
Subject: [PEN-L:6370] Re: Re: Re: Ciao, Baby

Max made a joke about Henry's name which Henry interpreted as a 
racist response and protested.  In response, Max came back with 
an even more obnoxious joke using Henry's name that I for one 
found obnoxious and, in the context of making fun of ones name 
after having been asked not to do so, I found intolerable on what is 
supposed to be a 'socialist' list.  Henry interpreted it as racist and 
having made that point, when Max compounded the offense, I could 
only conclude that Max was insensitive to the racial offense he was 
giving.  Thus, I hope that Max would withdraw until he calms down 
and becomes a little more sensitive to others on the list.  And I 
don't mean on the Kosovo situation as I tried to indicate, perhaps 
not very clearly.  But since he is not on the list, I will not try to 
debate his position now.

Paul Phillips,
University of Manitoba

> I'm all for flogging Max for his horrible position on Kosovo, but what
> did he write that was of a "racist tone"?  
> Bill

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