IMHO the fascination with genetics and disease causation seems very
ideological. Perhaps once the human genome mapping is complete, and
widespread evaluation research shows genetic predispositions don't mean much
(statistically) for most adverse health conditions, we might be able to move
away from efforts to provide genetic causes for largely social problems. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Devine [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 1999 1:22 PM
Subject: [PEN-L:6663] Re: Re: Re: Econometrics

>Natural science may be corrupt - a servant of power, money, and orthodoxy -
>but I don't think you could sustain this kind of untruth for 30 years in
>physics or biology, could you?

Economics is a more ideological subject than biology or physics, partly
because economics is so much more crucial to legitimating the system. That
is, economics' corruption is more systematic: individual biologists sell
out to drug industry, but the dominant school of economics as a whole has
sold out.

Bombing DESTROYS human rights. US/NATO out of Serbia!

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